IS Applications Planning 20/21 to 22/23

Overview of IS Applications IT Planning 2020/21 to 2022/23

About Planning

The planning for our 3 year cycle 2020/21 to 2022/23 is now underway.

The purpose of this process is:

  1. To identify the IT systems needs of the University community including major initiatives
  2. To prioritise the use of the core funded resources allocated to the Applications Directorate within Information Services and our business partners

Resources are allocated to us through core university funding to support central IT systems.  These core funded resources are used to undertake work that has to be done to IT systems because there is no practical alternative solution and without the work there is significant risk to the University’s business.  Where significant investment is required, we help our partners to bid for resources through the University planning process.

We also undertake sponsor funded projects – these are projects which are funded by the sponsoring organisation either through existing budgets or through bidding for funds through the University planning process.

How we can help

For all your proposals, regardless of funding status, our staff will help you:

  • Develop credible proposals that can be successfully delivered through project activity
  • Ensure that your proposals are costed accurately and that the benefits are identified and realistically valued
  • Identify whether your needs can be met by existing IT based services or solutions
  • Advise you on how your needs may be met by new or emerging technology solutions
  • Leverage our connections across campus to help you socialise and gain stakeholder support for your proposal
  • Identify connections with existing change programmes including Service Excellence and Digital Transformation
  • Develop proposals that can be submitted to College and Support Group planning processes, Knowledge Strategy Committee or other funders


Proposals Identified in Previous Plans

Our planning process is a rolling process so that when we reach the end of year 1, we take stock and plan for the subsequent 3 years – using what was years 2 and 3 as our starting point.  These proposals have not been prioritised are a good starting point for our discussions with partners and the drafting of our revised 3 year plan.


Key dates for the process include:

Friday 6th December 2019

Deadline for Core Funded Proposals

Friday 13th December 2019

Preliminary List of Core Funded Proposals Published

Tuesday 21st January 2020

Core Funded Consultation Ends

Friday 1st May 2020

Deadline for Sponsor Funded Proposals (Projects Starting Early in 20/21)

        July 2020

Applications Directorate 3 Year Plan Published









A full description of the process and timeline is available:


Next Steps

Our Portfolio and Programme Managers will be contacting their Portfolio and Programme contacts to work through the process together.

The Proposal template is available here:



Our primary contacts within the Applications Directorate are:

3 Year Planning Process

Rhian Davies


T: 0131 650 8194

Colleges and University Secretary's Group

Muriel Mewissen


T: 0131 651 4195

Corporate Services

Emma McNab


T: 0131 650 9308

Information Services

Adam Wadee


T: 0131 650 9689