August 2015

Report Date
August 2015

Section One: Programme Commentary, RAG and Resources Update

Section Two: Projects Not Started

Section Three: Projects In Progress

Section Four: Closed or Withdrawn Projects 

Section One: Programme Commentary, RAG and Resources Update


During August

In commencing the prgramme for 2015-16, the overal project budget has been set at 246 days with regards to the following programme activity;

Project CodeDescriptionDays
ACSP01Programme Related activity for Accommodation Services6

Student Application - Enhanced Student Data Feed

Project continued from 2014-15


UniWare Cashless Catering

Project continued from 2014-15

AP56-056Upgrade Kx Test Infrastructure50
AP56-057Booking Agent Interface10
AP56-058Migration of Kx to Cloud Environment100
AP56-059Delivered Catering External30

Balance Row - Sponsored Funded

equates to 20% for sponsor funded projects approved for 2015-16

Total 246


Section Two: Projects Not Started


The scheduled projects for 2015-16 are


Project InfoProgramme Managers Commentary


Upgrade Kx Test Infrastructure


Planning: October 2015

Delivery: March 2016


This project has been declared as part of the annual planning process .

- project to commence in October 2015

- initial planning phase scheduled to be completed in November 2015

- delivery date scheduled for March 2016


will require a large commitment from Accommodation Services team to oversee user acceptance testing

- will require a significant input from IS Applications Development Technology team in preparing the new infrastructure

- requirement to understand any potential impacts if a Kx upgrade is scheduled through this period


Booking Agent Interface


Planning: September 2015

Delivery: February 2016


This project has been declared as part of the annual planning process .

- project to commence in September 2015

- initial planning phase scheduled to be completed in October 2015

- delivery date scheduled for February 2016


- largely dependant on supplier delivering module

- will require a large commitment from Accommodation Services team to oversee user acceptance testing

- will require input from IS Applications Development Technology team to assist with systems integration


Migration of Kx to Cloud Environment


Planning: January 2016

Delivery: July 2016


This project has been declared as part of the annual planning process .

- project to commence in January 2016

- initial planning phase scheduled to be completed in January 2016

- delivery date scheduled for July 2016


- totally dependant on supplier hosting capability

- will require a large commitment from Accommodation Services team to oversee user acceptance testing

- will require input from IS Applications Development Technology team to assist with systems integration and performance testing


Delivered Catering External


Planning: January 2016

Delivery: May 2016


This project has been declared as part of the annual planning process .

- project to commence in January 2016

- initial planning phase scheduled to be completed in January 2016

- delivery date scheduled for May 2016


- totally dependant on supplier delivering new application module

- will require a large commitment from Accommodation Services team to oversee user acceptance testing

- will require input from IS Applications Development Technology team to assist with systems integration

Section Three: Projects in Progress





Project InfoProject Managers Commentary


Student Application - Enhanced Student Data Feed



Target dateTitle
25-Sep-2015ASOR (Acceptance Sign Off) UoE Work
12-Feb-2016DSOR (Delivery Sign Off)

RAG Status


Report by Colin Forrest for August 2015


Achievements in the Last Period

  • Our plan to deploy this project in January 2016 remains and the final small piece of feed configuration will be completed by Student Systems (SSP) during September.
  • Once our updates are complete we will suspend work on the project until November.


  • Other than the duration extension which has been unavoidable the only issue is that the TEST and LIVE systems would not match for a longer than ideal period due to their differing feeds.  Our changes have been rolled back during other project work so we will have this in mind when making our final updates to TEST during September.

Next steps

  • We will complete the minor development to the TEST feed so it is prepared for UAT in October.




UniWare Cashless Catering



Target dateTitle

RAG Status


Report by Andrew Stewart for August 2015


Achievements in the last period

  • Deployment sign-off has been approved by both the business partner and IS Applications Production Management
  • Requested estimate and timescales from  Development with regards the work to de-comission Counter Solutions processes



  • An issue was discovered wheerby the links to the previous supplier of the cashless catering system had not been switched off by either the University or the supplier. Whilst this has been subsequently switched-off, a number of individuals were abel to add credit to the redundant system
  • The programme owner has questioned the increase of effort to implment the solution and this wil be discussed at the fortcoming programme meeting


Next steps

  • Fully decommission the previous cashless catering activities on all three environments of Dev, Test and Live
  • Prepare the closure report
  • Project closure


Section Four: Closed or Withdrawn Projects


Project InfoProject Managers Commentary


Section Five: Programme Risks

DateRisk Ref.Programme RisksRag StatusRisk Owner
30/06/151Unable to commence scheduled project - Migration of Kx to Cloud EnvironmentRedClaire Barnish
30/06/152Unable to commence scheduled project Delivered Catering ExternalRedClaire Barnish

Section Six : Programme Meeting Minutes

 This section details the minutes from the programme meetings held in 2014-15

16/09/15Minutes from Programme Meeting