March 2016

Report Date
March 2016

Section One: Programme Commentary, RAG and Resources Update

Section Two: Projects Not Started

Section Three: Projects In Progress

Section Four: Closed or Withdrawn Projects 

Section One: Programme Commentary, RAG and Resources Update

During March

There is currently little activity being undertaken within the programme at this time;

  • The revised student feed generated through teh project ACS033 has been successfully deployed to the Live environment
  • The new project, ACS035 Booking Agent Interface has currently stalled whilst awaiting clarification of technical requirements

The overall programme budget of 7 days has now been exceeded  by 1 day and the programme manager has estimated a further 1 days effort will be required for the remainder of the year , as programme activity is now very light. Further discussions to be held with the CSG Portfolio Manager to resolve this deficit.



Section Two: Projects Not Started


The scheduled projects for 2015-16 are


Project InfoProgramme Managers Commentary


Delivered Catering External


Planning: June 2016

Delivery: t.b.c.


This project has been declared as part of the annual planning process .

- project to commence in June 2016

- initial planning phase scheduled to be completed in June 2016

- delivery date to be defined


- totally dependant on current supplier delivering new application module or an alternative product is procured

- will require a large commitment from Accommodation Services team to oversee user acceptance testing

- will require input from IS Applications Development Technology team to assist with systems integration

Section Three: Projects in Progress


Project InfoProject Managers Commentary


Student Application - Enhanced Student Data Feed



08-Apr-2016DSOR (Delivery Sign Off)


RAG Status


Report by Colin Forrest for March 2016

Achievements in the last period

  • We have successfully deployed the updated feed and all the teams have reported they are happy..
  • There has been no errors.


  • The number of days used will be just below 47 which is slightly above the 10% threshold of the current budget of 42.  The original budget was 50.  We will resolve the budget when closing the project.  The project is Amber because of this.

Next steps

  • Deployment sign off which is underway over email now that we have passed the 14 day threshold.
  • Closure by mid April.

ACS035 (AP56-057)

Booking Agent Interface



Planning date 24/04 (was 11/03)

RAG Status


Report by Chris Lawford for March 2016

Achievements in Last Period

  • None


  • To date, there has been no agreement on the involvement of IS Apps Projects with the Agent booking interface project.  There have been numerous attempts to set-up an initial meeting with ACS, Kinetics - without success.

Next Steps

  • Complete project planning phase, or withdraw project. 


Section Four: Closed or Withdrawn Projects


Project InfoProject Managers Commentary
ACS034 - Uniware Cashless Catering

Project closed on 4th December 2015

Project Closure Report


Upgrade Kx Test Infrastructure

Project withdrawn on 4th December 2015

AP56- 058

Migration to Kx Cloud Environment 

Project withdrwan on 4th December 2015


Section Five: Programme Risks

DateRisk Ref.Programme RisksRag StatusRisk Owner

Unable to commence scheduled project Delivered Catering External

Rag Status adjusted from Red to Green after confirmation that the project is now scheduled to commence in June.

GreenClaire Barnish

Programme Management Budget being exceeded

Rag Status currently at Amber untill further discussions held with CSG Portfolio Manager

AmberAndrew Stewart

Section Six : Programme Meeting Minutes

 This section details the minutes from the programme meetings held in 2014-15

16/09/15Minutes from Programme Meeting
11/11/15Minutes from Programme Meeting
02/12/15Minutes from Programme Review Meeting