

Our vision is to: "Deliver the tools that enable evidence-based decision making across the University"

​We will do this by:​

  • Develop a consistent University data architecture​

  • Identifying strategic objectives, key stakeholders and business requirements​

  • Consistently communicating and engaging with key stakeholders across the University​

  • Developing new BI/MI tools and capabilities​

  • Establishing an effective, sustainable business-as-usual service​

Current Programme status

Report Date RAG
November 2020 AMBER
Code RAG RAG Date Manager Status Stage
DTI031 Developing the BI Community (DTI031) BLUE October 2018 Daniel Emerson Withdrawn Close
DTI032 Business Reporting and Analytics Service Enhancement (DTI032) BLUE August 2018 Geoff Cropley Closed Close
DTI033 QlikView Consolidation (DTI033) BLUE August 2018 Jay Heer Closed Close
DTI046-1 BI Tools Framework GREEN May 2019 Geoff Cropley Closed Close