Report for March 2018

Report Date
March 2018

Report Date

30th March 2018

Report compiled by Alison Armstrong (User Experience Programme Manager)

for Neil Allison, Stratos Filalithis, Lisa Dawson,  Colan Mehaffey, and other interested business area owners.

Section One: Programme Commentary, RAG and Resources Update


  • DTI009  - Define User Experience Service project nearing completion
  • Recruitment of the new UX programme roles, i.e., UX Lead and UX Juniors is taking considerably longer than anticipated. (It took approximately five months for the initial job grading to be completed.) The delay has pushed out the estimated start dates for the UX roles into late June/early July 2018 and the estimated budget to complete has been updated accordingly.  As budget is now available, other interim options to cover the resourcing gap are being considered to maintain service continuity/meet the service demand.
  • DTI009 - the case studies have been completed based on work completed to-date for DT, SEP and other business areas to prove the service model. This work has included UX insight support (primarily user research) for the BI Tools, UCP, and Enterprise APIs programmes.  The case studies are on schedule for uploading to a new User Experience Services website due for launch by 4th April. The site will feature information about the services available via the programme and the case studies, along with signposting for further information.

  • A User Experience Showcase event has been scheduled for 4th April to help raise awareness of the programme, what it has achieved to-date and the UX support available, and to promote engagement with key stakeholders.  Joe West, the shared Communications Officer for DT was briefed, and Neil and Joe have discussed the communications approach and support required for the event and the programme.   The relevant communications were issued and the event is now fully booked. The User Experience Services website will be launched to coincide with the Showcase. 

  • Agreement reached that DTI009 project would close on completion of case studies and the benefit evaluation work, closure is currently scheduled for 9th April.

  • It has been agreed that a new "Embed and Optimise User Experience Services" project will be set up to focus on planning, i.e., for ongoing management and rollout of the service and longer-term sustainability.  The initial groundwork on the rollout and communications plan has been completed within DTI009, prior to project closure.

  • The UX Steering Group meeting is scheduled for 23rd April.  The meeting will focus on agreement of the next steps, objectives and scope for future projects including the proposed new Embed & Optimise the User Experience Services project.

  • Overall, the User Experience Programme is GREEN at this point in time.  


DTI010 – project  completed and closed on 3rd November 2017.  

RAG & Forward Look

Resources to end of March 2018

Section Two: Projects Not Started


Section Three: Projects in Progress


Project Info

Project Managers Commentary


Define UX Services


Category: Discretionary



Phase 2: Run pilots to refine UX service offering




Report by Sue Woodger for March 2018

Achievements in last period

  • Write up of case studies is completed, pending sign off on final two
  • Benefits/Evaluation summary document completed on 30th March 
  • Rollout and Communications Plan document updated on 30th March - further edits required. (NB. The document will also evolve over time in line with the rollout of the Digital Experience Standards service and EdGEL evolution in 2018/19.)
  • Work on "Run pilots/case studies to refine UX service offering" milestone now completed


  • Strike action has meant that some of our catch up meetings have had to be cancelled
  • Delays in recruitment process for the UX service roles has impacted on this milestone and the availability of UX Services support 

Next Steps

  • Neil to launch the new User Experience Services website for 4th April
  • Neil to complete edits on Rollout and Communications Plan document
  • Sue to set up rollout planning meeting with wider audience
  • Neil to run UX Showcase on 4th April and follow-up on feedback from the event 
  • Project closure due on 9th April



Section Four: Closed or Withdrawn Projects


Project Info

Project Managers Commentary

DTI007  EdGEL as a Service

Category: Discretionary

Project closed 28 July 17.  Some items require follow up in 17/18 and these are detailed in DTI007 Deliverables tracker

DTI008 EdGEL Technology Delivery and Transition to Business As Usual

Category: Discretionary

Project closed 28 July 17.  Some items require follow up in 17/18 and these are detailed in DTI008 Deliverables tracker

DTI010 Digital Experience Standards

Category: Discretionary

Project closed 3 November 17. 



Not available.