Report for May 2017

Report Date
May 2017

Report Date

May 2017 

Report compiled by Alison Armstrong (User Experience Programme Manager)

for Neil Allison, Stratos Filalithis, Lisa Dawson, and other interested business area owners.

Section One: Programme Commentary, RAG and Resources Update


  • DTI007 -EdGEL website review completed
  • DTI008  - EdGEL Compliance Audit completed, technical investigation to confirm project resource estimates completed
  • DTI009  - service model for User-centred design process completed and shared, training format produced and circulated for senior mgt feedback and review
  • New User Experience Consultant  appointed on 17th May 2017 to support across the programme
  • Initial User Experience programme Steering Group meeting held on 17th May
  • EdGEL Steering Group held on 1st June - completed walkthrough of the deliverables completed to-date and overview of the communications and engagement "sales pitch" for User Experience service

Overall the User Experience Programme is GREEN at this point in time, and on track.





RAG & Forward Look

Resources to end of May 2017

Section Two: Projects Not Started


Section Three: Projects in Progress


Project Info

Project Managers Commentary


EdGEL as a Service

Category: Discretionary



 Recommendations to continue EdGEL


 Engagement strategy initiation


 Framework for delivering EdGEL






Report by Sue Woodger for May 2017


Achievements in Last Period

  • The following deliverables were completed, reviewed by the project team and the EdGEL Steering Group on 31 May. Some small amendments and formatting issues were addressed and the deliverables are now approved.
  • O2 D2 EdGEL adoption strategy backlog document: The output of the deliverable is a document on adoption strategy which also includes documentation on the EASE pilot for the GEL conducted by Karl.
  • O2 D1 Engagement:  The output of the deliverable is the Website review (completed under O1 D2, an Insights report (completed under O1D1) and a summary of all engagement conducted by Karl. It should also be noted that Engagement activity will be ongoing.


  • The Digital Design Consultant handed in his notice of termination on 2 June 2017. This has impacted the deliverables due under DTI007. We listed the deliverables still to be completed under the following headings:
    • deliverables that need polishing/final editing before completion
    • priority deliverables that he could complete within the next week
    • remaining deliverables that will need to be re-allocated
  • This has allowed us to plan what the consultant can do in the remaining time he has and for other tasks to be reallocated so all deliverables can still be met.

  • We consolidated 2 milestones in DTI007 and DTI008 on the 18 May. Project sponsor agreed that DTI007 O3D1 and DTI008 O2D2 were the same. We deleted the DTI008 deliverable leaving the DTI007 deliverable as ‘Recommendations for a Service Management model including plans, processes and estimates of ongoing BAU costs to feed into DTI008’ to be delivered 30 June. Full details of the merge can be found in piccl 6
  • We had to revisit the deliverable O1D3 EdGEL Website Update as our Tech Lead advised that the work involved was not achievable within a fortnight as originally envisaged and sponsor was unsure how much time the LTW developer had to spend on it. We therefore moved the deliverable date out as far as we could to 14 July with sponsor following up on developer’s time and a scoping and prioritisation meeting being set up for mid-June before development work starts.


Next Steps

  • O1 D2 EdGEL Website Update review and proposal: Completion of Karl’s other deliverables will take priority before his departure but if there is enough time left over then he will produce a separate document on the proposals by Friday 9th June.
  • O1 D1 A defined EdGEL process – Magdalena also has to review this document but she has been on leave – will be reviewed by 9 June


RAG Commentary N/A


EdGEL Technology Delivery and Transition to Business As Usual

Category: Discretionary



Guidelines for contributing to and using EdGEL


First pass of a working, compliant EdGEL – development work


Plan for the rollout of service and transition to BAU Delivery






Report by Sue Woodger for May 2017

Achievements in Last Period

  • The deliverable for the ‘Technical Investigation phase’ was approved on 11 May 2017.  The output was a document detailing work and estimated costs for both ISG and LTW (although only ISG costs were required for signoff). It confirmed the original estimate at planning stage as 69 days.
  • The deliverable ‘O1D5 EdGEL Compliance Audit’ was completed on 11 May. A prioritisation meeting was held on 25 May allowing development to start on 16 May.
  • The deliverable ‘O1D3 Design model created and checked’ was completed on 31 May and reviewed by the project team and EdGEL Steering group where it was approved


  • The Digital Design Consultant handed in his notice of termination on 2 June 2017. The impact on the deliverables in DTI008 is minimal as the majority of work has already been completed and Stratos and Neil will pick up the work on the higher level communications and rollout alignment.
  • We consolidated 2 milestones in DTI007 and DTI008 on the 18 May. Project sponsor agreed that DTI007 O3D1 and DTI008 O2D2 were the same. We deleted the DTI008 deliverable leaving the DTI007 deliverable to be delivered 30 June. Full details of the merge can be found in piccl 3       
  • The milestone ‘Guidelines for contributing to and using EdGEL’ was due 31 May 2017. This was moved out to 12 June as the developer had not fully completed the tasks plus there have been additional demands on tech leads time from DTI011.
  • The milestone ‘First pass of a working, compliant EdGEL – dev work’ was due on 5 Jun 2017. This has been moved to 11 July as the deliverable O1D4 ‘Code store created encompassing code standards for using and contributing to EdGEL and version control’ has been delayed to 7 July as the contractor cannot start work until 27 June.

Next Steps

  • The following technical deliverables to be completed
    • O1 D1 Technical requirements gathered
    • O2 D1a and O2 D1b Key principles for using and contributing to EdGEL-non-technical
  • O1 D5 EdGEL Compliance dev work to be signed off
  • O2D1b Key principles for using and contributing to EdGEL-non-technical: document is complete and just has to be reviewed
  • O3D4 Agreed Map future task: Karl to map outline activities and ideas by 9th June.

RAG Commentary N/A


Define UX Services


Category: Discretionary



Phase 1: Proposing a defined UX service


Identifying a model for a dedicated in house UX team


Phase 1: Delivery – Harmonised with DTI007


Phase 1: Common level of skills and understanding


Phase 2: Run pilots to refine UK service offering




Report by Sue Woodger for May 2017

Achievements in Last Period

  • A walkthrough of the UX process took place to 9 May which meant that the sign off for deliverable ‘O2D2 Develop an initial model for a user-centered design process for the University, and the associated UX Service’  is complete
  • Neil presented at  UX Conference 7-9 June
  • Neil met with Dave Berry and IS Apps managers on 2 June to discuss UX engagement and project methodology with a view to  identifying concerns on digital delivery from Project Services – this is the first engagement with the people who own IS processes.
  • O2D3 Provide a ‘sales pitch’ for the service was due 31 May but moved to 12 June but is complete as of 5 June. The output has been shared with senior key stakeholders and feedback was positive. It is also noted that the UX “sales pitch” will continue to evolve over time.


  • The Digital Design Consultant handed in his notice of termination on 2 June 2017. There is no impact on the deliverables in DTI009 as his input into DTI009 was complete.
  • It was acknowledged that time was tight but the team were working hard to achieve DTI009 deliverables but currently a little bit behind. Consultant was on leave for a week at end of May so the following deliverables were moved so she can concentrate on them on her return
    • O2D3 Provide a ‘sales pitch’ for the service was due 31 May but moved to now 12 June : This impacts the Proposing a defined UX Service milestone which has also moved 12 June
    • And the change in the following three deliverables have impacted the Common level of skills and understanding in UX for project and service teams through UX training  - due on 31 May 2017 is was moved to 19 June
      • O1D4 Establish a cycle of delivery to meet university demand was 4 Jun now 9 Jun: Training dates are now finalised for week commencing 26th June – the room just needs to be booked.
      • O1D3 Refine the pilot training was 22 May now 16 Jun
      • O1D5 Training to staff in targeted roles, org units and projects was 25 May now 16 Jun


Next Steps

  • Alison has arranged for Neil to address Project Services team meeting in June
  • Neil is organising an open session for 27 June. Will consist of lightning talks in order to gather feedback and evolve planning – topics still to be decided



RAG Commentary N/A



Digital Experience Standards

Category: Discretionary





Appointment made UX consultancy


Develop a service outline model leading to a blueprint


Trial what is currently in the service outline model with projects currently involved as pilots on


Agree principles with identified set of stakeholders, and in consultation with the relevant digital communities in the University.


Evolve service outline based on experience and feedback


Report on findings, levels of standards compliance etc. and finalise what is an acceptable level


Deliver a costed proposal for the ongoing management of standards and delivery of the service, tied in with proposals for EdGEL service.




Report by Sue Woodger for May 2017


  • Second UX consultant started 17 May
  • First UX Steering Group meeting held 17 May



  • The Digital Design Consultant handed in his notice of termination on 2 June 2017. There is no impact on the deliverables in DTI010.
  • A milestone review was held 25 May and provided the following changes
    • The milestone ‘Develop a service blueprint’ was renamed to ‘Develop a service outline model leading to a blueprint’. The delivery of the milestone had previously been moved to 20 July but on re-assessment it brought back to 19 June. This will allow the milestone for trialling the service outline to happen.
    • The milestone ‘Agree principles with identified set of stakeholders, and in consultation with the relevant digital communities in the University. Also criteria by which standards are applied’ was split and is now named ‘Agree principles with identified set of stakeholders, and in consultation with the relevant digital communities in the University’, Deliverables under this milestone have also changed as follows:
    • O2D2 Create communication and training plan for the dissemination, uptake and education around the standards Was 31 May – moved out to 30 Jun to balance deliverables
    • 02D3 Agree principles with identified set of stakeholders, and in consultation with the relevant digital communities in the University Was 31-May-17 Moved out by a week to 9 June -Created deliverable from milestone
    • O2D4 Criteria by which standards are applied - New deliverable – split out from O2D3
    • O2D5 Harmonise with DTI007 and 009 - New – split out from O2D2

Next Steps

  • Next UX Steering Group meeting 30 June
  • Delivery of O2D3 Agree principles with stakeholders… due 9 June
  • Delivery of O2D1  Create plan for ongoing governance… due 16 Jun


RAG Commentary N/A




Section Four: Closed or Withdrawn Projects


Project Info

Project Managers Commentary









Not available.