

Our vision is: “Helping digital services become more user-friendly.”

A review of the online student experience, conducted by Headscape in the Spring of 2016, highlighted many examples of poor user experience (UX) arising from a lack of user-centred design, inconsistent standards, and lack of integration between services. The insight provided by the study showed that the overall online experience provided by the University is substantially below student expectations. A significant contributing factor to the current situation is the lack of user experience-related skills and processes with the University’s planning and development practices.

This programme will tackle this issue by raising the level of skills and awareness of UX practices among staff across all disciplines involved in software procurement, development and service management, both within IS and across all areas of the University  that collaborate in the provision of a digital experience. While UX training for these staff, and the opportunities afforded by using external expertise will help to address the gap, this bid proposes that the University will derived further benefit from establishing a dedicated in house UX team to support Digital Transformation and Service Excellence initiatives. This approach will 

  • Focus and direct the work of external UX contractors/consultants brought in on an as needed basis
  • Provide the expert UX support needed for Digital Transformation and Service Excellence
  • Support the development of internal UX experience and maturity - The Scottish Govt is forecasting 2-3 years for the internal development of skills and culture in their Digital Transformation initiative, which currently has UX professionals in place. See: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3hH9kL-zOg_MFpWTjMtbDNGLU0/view?pref=2&pli=1
  • Ensure that established trust, interpersonal relationships and continuity are effectively leverages during these early stages of adopting new, user-centred processes 

This programme is part of Digital Transformation

Code RAG RAG Date Manager Status Stage
DTI045 Embed and Optimise UX Services GREEN October 2019 Sue Woodger Closed Close


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