Report for August 2012

Report Date
August 2012



Report compiled by Andrew Stewart (IS Apps Programme Manager) for Geoff Turnbull (Programme Owner)


Section One: Programme Commentary, RAG and Resources Update

Section Two: Projects Not Started

Section Three: Projects In Progress

Section Four: Closed or Withdrawn Projects 


Section One: Programme Commentary, RAG and Resources Update

  Dring the month, work has continued on all the active projects carried over for 11/12.  In addition, the first of 12/13 planned projects, namely Waste Management, has commenced.  There is possitive news regarding the BEMS migration project in that the system performance / reliability issues seems to heve been resolved. Progress, albiet slow, has been made with each of the other projects.

The overall programme remains in defecit, due to the amount of unplanned carry over and the programme manager will discuss this with the programme owner at the next programme meeting.



 Section Two: Projects Not Started



Project InfoProgramme Manager's Commentary

EST063 (AP90-029)

Space Audit Upgrade



Planning September 2012

Delivery January 2013 


RAG Status



The project is scheduled to commence in September 2012.

As part of the project proposal, it was stated that that  'As part of the on-going strategy to utilise WebCentral, this project will look to implement the module 'Space Inventory and Performance' which is scheduled to be released within Web Central v19 to determine if the overall functional requirements can be achieved'



  1. Requirement to implement EST069 - Archibus Upgrade. This project is scheduled to upgrade both the core Archibus client and WebCentral to version 19
  2. Review and confirm Web Central module is fit for purpose


Windows 7 Roll Out - Upgrades to Estates Systems



Planning October 2012

Delivery December 2012 


RAG Status



 Project is scheduled to commence in October



There is the requirement to migrate the existing server from Windows XP before the University remove support for Windows XP at the end of 2012


iTrak Security System



Planning October 2012

Delivery May 2013 


RAG Status



 Project is scheduled to commence in October 2012



 There are currentkly no dependancies for this project


Lean - Improvements to Repairline and Ordering/Billing Processes



Planning Februaty 2013

Delivery June 2013 


RAG Status



 Project is scheduled to commnce in February




Section Three: Projects in Progress



Project InfoProject Managers Commentary

EST065 (AP90-030)

Lease Sales Invoice Interface to eFin Sales Ledger


Category: Funded



Target dateTitle
15-Oct-2012Deployment Sign Off


RAG Status


Report by Morna Findlay for August 2012


THE RAG status of this project has been set to AMBER due to emerging issues unresolved at the time of writring this report.


Achievements This Period

User acceptance testing took place in August although this was hampered by the lack of testing resources in Finance ( 6/8/12 - 20/8/12 ) and in Estates (24/8/12 - 31/8/12) 



  • Estates are not able to provide a replacement for Liz Torrance who is on annual leave and is required to carry out the UAT plan.
  • EST065-38  (Additional blank lines inserted for multi-line invoices) required the commitment of FInance and their suppliers ( ABS ) to solve as this affects very long invoices.
  • EST065-37 (Combined invoice type classification) ready to be re-tested
  • EST065-36 (Combined invoice and credits) requires developer resource to fix and extensive re-testing. Estates staff may not be able to test during the week beginning 10/9/12 and developer resources assigned may be reassigned. However, there is a workaround for this issue, suggested by Liz Torrance, whereby invoices and credits for the same account customer would not be processed on the same day. It would be envisaged that this workaround, if deployed, would only be temporary and be corrected post deployment once the system had been proved to stable.
  • Changes for FINACE DEF files must be put LIVE before this project can deploy to LIVE
  • Archibus upgrade must be LIVe before this project can deploy to LIVE.


Next Steps

  • UAT will resume 
  • Finance to fully test fixes for Efin printing system and  set date to apply this and other Efin fixes  to LIVE.
  • Acceptance review scheduled for 24/09/12


EST066 (AP12-001)

Migration of BEMS Server to  Centrally Hosted Infrastructure


Category: Compliance



Target DateTitle
26-Sep-2012PPBR -Build Review
10-Oct-2012ASOR - Acceptance
24-Oct-2012DSOR - Deployment

RAG Status



Report by Sue Woodger for  August 2012 


Achievements This Period


  • Project was re-instated from Suspended to In Progress
  • Design was able to be completed as

1. The storage issue was resolved to meet the requirements of the project in May

2. The performance issues were resolved in July/August by installing Sigma X software onto the server in place of the dongle - this covers all the licensing requirements needed by E&B.. Schneider engineers discovered that the dongle was creating the issues although the dongle works perfectly well in other virtual environments and they cannot explain why it did not work in ours. Sigma X is the software the Schneider engineers use on their laptops and  the head of their R&D was the one who pushed for us to use this. It will become part of their standard package for virtual machines within the next couple of releases. Schneider have expressed that they will continue to provide support with the Sigma X in place of the dongle.

  • The systme design (PPDR)  was signed off 30 August 12 by the project team


  • No issues at present


Next Steps

For September:

  • Complete build of Test and Live systems


EST069 (AP12-016)

Archibus Upgrade


Category: Compliance





ASOR - sign off Archibus 19 Acceptance Testing (Virtual Client, Database, Webclient).


Go Live with v19 and Oracle 11 g upgrade





RAG Status


Report by Stevie Conlon for  August 2012

Achievements Last Period.

  • The Virtual package for Archibus V19 and the Oracle 11g has been rolled out to TEST PCs and successfully tested.  This includes changes to enable the ability to export data from within EBIS to Excel
  • Arrangements were made for the Smart client URL set-up in TEST
  • Changes have been appliied by the Development team o the Monthly billing process in an effort to reduce run time and stop time-out.  Inital tests have greatly reduced run time enabling the task to complete successfully.  However, 'error messge' now being displyed when attempting to open files.
  • Identified and agreed solution with Mass regarding the contract orders processing for additional health and safety questions
  • Discussions have been held with User Services Depatment regarding the process for updating the managed desktop with Archibus v19 and the Oracle 11g client


  • Additional time spent on closing off remaining JIRAs centred around the remaining smart client testing, the 'send keys' issues which requires a fix from MASS.
  • Additional time required for detailed plan for deployment to confirm with supplier exact configuration details and steps involved in the go live period and further development will be required for the monthly billing issue
  • There are currently four issues that require to be corrceted prior to user acceptance
    • Smartclient - the planning team have indicated concerns regarding the lack of testing time
    • Monthly billing process
    • Contract orders
    • UoE logo to be applied to existing reports


 Next Steps

  • Resolve remaining issues
  • Re-arrange the Smart client Testing with MASS and EBIS office
  • Plan deployment to co-ordinate disparate teams and external supplier
  • Confirm potential live deployment


EST071 (AP23-038)

Waste Management






Target dateTitle

RAG Status



Report by Andrew Stewart for August 2012 


Achievements in Last Period

 After an initial meeting with the business owner, work has commenced on the project brief



The project manager has had insufficient time to complete the project brief this month, due to a combination of focussing efforts on existing Estates and Building projects and mail and diary production issues relating to the Office 365 project.  As such the time to complete the brief has been extended by two weeks.

 Next Steps
  1. Complete the project brief and prepare project estimation
  2. Commence buisness analysis to identify current and required processes regarding waste management



Section Four: Closed or Withdrawn Projects



Project InfoProject Managers Commentary


Project Code (AP Number)

Project Title



Report by [PM] 

This project was closed/withdrawn on dd-mmm-yy

[for closures] Please see the Completion Report / Closure Review for further information [include link]. 

[for withdrawn] Please see the PRICCL log for further details [include link].