Report for July 2013

Report Date
July 2013

Nikki Stuart (IS Apps Programme Manager) for Lindsey Miller, Eilidh Fraser, Gordon Forbes (Programme Owners)


Section One: Programme Commentary, RAG and Resources Update

Section Two: Projects Not Started

Section Three: Projects In Progress

Section Four: Closed or Withdrawn Projects 

Section Five: New Approved Projects from 13/14 Annual Plan


Section One: Programme Commentary, RAG and Resources Update




HRS071 - HR HESA (Green) - Project achieved deployment sign off ahead of initial HESA extract/run early August.

HRS072 - HR & Payroll Annual Maintenance (Amber) - Status reflects current uncertainty that additional work may be required ahead of first RTI submission. Expected that Oracle consultant will be arranged for w/c 12th August. All Oracle patches (inc those released end July), API and Pay Frequency bug fix applied to LIVE. There is currently no further known work for IS Applications. 

HRS073 - eRecruitment Phase 1b (Amber) - Status reflects the outstanding Core bugs in LIVE. A number of these bugs have been open since the LIVE updates end June, these and others impacting applicant notifications are now critical. BOXI Security model deployed to LIVE. Successful Applicant and BOXI updates for Phase 1b progressing as planned. 

HRS074 - Staff Development System (Suspended) - clarification required on when this project is likely to restart and what funding is available for 13/14. 





 Section Two: Projects Not Started


Project InfoProgramme Manager's Commentary


Staff Development- Implementation


Planning tbc

Delivery tbc

RAG Status




tbc - will depend on outcome of procurement project. Current plan suggests that the procurement would not be complete until April 2014 at the earliest. 



Implementation requirements will depend on the outcome of the procurement project. 


Section Three: Projects in Progress


Project InfoProject Managers Commentary

HRS071 (AP23-006 )

HR HESA Staff Return 12/13


Category: Compliance




22-Jul-2013Delivery sign-off
15-Nov-2013Post-deployment sign-off


RAG Status



Report by Jill Nicoll for June 2013

Achievements in last period:

Final UAT sign-off for HESA changes confirmed.

HESA changes deployed to Live.

HR loaded new ACTSOC values, and made the new ACTSOC fields "active", in eRecruitment.

eRecruitment extract changes deployed to Live. 



Business Area Manager unexpectedly unavailable due to illness.  As a result, the Deployment sign-off has had to be delayed.  


Next Steps:

Deployment sign-off confirmed.

HRS072 (AP23-005)

Oracle HR & Payroll Annual Patching


Category: Compliance





25-Jul-2013HMRC RTI Submission
08-Aug-2013DSOR HMRC RTI Submission Milestone

RAG Status


Report by Anne Mathison for July 2013


Achievements in Last Period  
  • RTI Patches, Bug Fix and API were signed off in Acceptance Testing  (24-Jul-13) 
  • All known patches are up to date, even on 1st August another patch arrived that was recommended to be implemented. This was put into Dev and Test 5-Aug-13
  • Clone of Live to Test was accomplished (however with a number of issues before it was complete)
  • The new RTI screens for the UOE Payroll Supervisors have been set up (this has been completed on TEST and LIVE on 7-Aug-13).


  • Awaiting to hear when the Oracle consultant will be on site to continue progressing RTI set up.  Tentatively week beginning 12-Aug-13
Next Steps
  • 3 RTI patches, API work, and HR Globals are planned to go LIVE on August 8th in preparation for the Oracle consultant 
  • HMRC will penalize any companies that do not meet the RTI Deadline of 1st October.
  • RTI Initial Balances issue is being progressed by Finance/Payroll
    • Oracle Consultant will be on site to continue to resolve the initial RTI Balances in August
    • Some new elements require to be set up.
    • After that Finance will run the RTI reports (through Dev, Test and Live) 
    • When confirmed which month we are submitting either August or September
      • The pre-check alignment report will be sent to HMRC, when it is ready between the 5th and 27th August or 9th and 26 September. HMRC will then notify us of any corrections.
      • Once we know what month we are submitting the HMRC RTI Milestone in - the Milestone will be amended
    • The final information is required by the August Payroll, unless Oracle consultant discovers there is a lot of set up for the business still to complete and then it will be September.
  • RAG AMBER as Oracle Consultant coming in check that everything is set up correctly. It is more likely to be Sept, rather than August, depending  on how much set up the business still has to do.
  • The Project will be closed after the pre-check alignment submission has been sent to HMRC


eRecruitment Phase 1b


Category: Funded




Successful Applicant (Update 2) - Aceptance Sign Off


BOXI Deployment Sign Off


Deployment Sign Off - Core Deliverables and Successful Applicant (Update 1)


Deploy - Successful Applicant (Update 2)


Successful Applicant (Update 2) - Deployment Sign Off




RAG Status



Report by Nikki Stuart for July 13
Achievements in Last Period
  • Ongoing issue resolution of Core deliverables
  • Successful applicant build completed
  • Testing of BOXI security model complete
  • BOXI Security Model deployed to LIVE
  • Users provided access to LIVE BOXI Universe


  • Post deployment issues identified with Core software are still outstanding. There are three critical issues outstanding with Core; 

  1. Applicants not receiving notifications. This was originally resolved on 26th July (prior to that applicants had not received notifications since the deployment) but since 2nd August there has again been an issue with applicant notifications for new vacancies. Notifications for vacancies closing are being sent without issue. As yet Core have been unable to provide a solution. 
  2. Error when appointing applicants to vacancies. This has been open since the live deployment and although it was originally only occurring with a few vacancies the frequency of this error is increasing. A workaround was identified which required the user to manually copy the vacancy, however, this does not work in all instances. This issue is now being progressed with the Core support team.
  3. Merged PDF packs are not fully generating in all cases. Core have indicated that the reason for this is the inclusion of JPEG files in the applicant uploads. Core are working with HR to assist with this issue. JPEGs will be removed from the document types that can be uploaded and, if required, applicants will need to copy JPEGs to a word document prior to uploading. 
  • Server performance issues were identified on the LIVE server. (See PICCL 14). The immediate problems have been resolved with an increase to memory allocation, additional indexing of the EMS notifications table and an increase to the max processes. There is a bug with dates not being created correctly for entries in the Search parameters table which means that old entries are not getting deleted through the standard Sql code and the table now contains 2.5m entries. Core are working on a fix for this, in the mean time Apps are discussing with Core alternative options to delete old entries to reduce the load on the server. Currently the impact of this is not critical. 
  • There was a resource conflict with Oracle HR and Payroll, HR HESA and RMAS for the Lead Developer. This resulted in 2 weeks delay to the successful applicant update 2. 


Next Steps
  • Deployment sign off for Core Phase 1b deliverables (or re-plan based on ongoing issue resolution target dates)
  • Deployment sign off for Successful Applicant Interface (Update 1) (Agreed 9th August)
  • Testing of Successful Applicant Interface Update 2 (acceptance sign off on 9th August)


RS074 (AP23-053)

Staff Development System- Procurement





None - project to be re-planned, Likely Mid August


RAG Status



Report by Nikki Stuart for June 2013


Project has been suspended awaiting completion of HR scoping study. Project may be re-scoped or postponed to a later year depending on the outcome of that exercise. 



Section Four: Closed or Withdrawn Projects


Project InfoProject Managers Commentary


Project Code 


Project Title

 HR Real Time Tax Year End 12/13




Report by Nikki Stuart

This project was withdrawn on 19th October 2012


The deliverables and revised estimated effort for these have been merged with the Tax Year End Project for the newly named HR & Payroll Annual Maintenance project. 

Please see the PRICCL log for further details 




Project Code

HRS068 (AP01-011)

HR System R12 Upgrade


Category: Compliance


Report by Nikki Stuart

This project was closed on 24th May 2013

Completion Report

HRS070 (AP90-049 )

Procure and Implement New Recruitment System


Category: Funded

Report by Nikki Stuart

This project was closed on 


Section Five: New Approved Projects from 13/14 Annual Plan

Any projects that were approved in previous annual planning rounds and have been postponed to start in 13/14 will be listed under section 2: Projects Not Started. Projects started in 12/13 but which will carry over to 13/14 are listed under section 3: In Progress.

Project InfoProject Managers Commentary


eRecruitment Phase 2 (Redeployment and Talent Pool)


Planning - August 2013

Delivery - January 2014

RAG Status





Business Consultations are running through to end July. This project cannot start until clear agreement has been reached on how to proceed.

The eRecruitment Project Board has requested that the eRecruitment team review the high level plan for Phase 2 and the requested eRecruitment efficiency review to present a plan for the September Project Board.



Business Consultations complete and policy decisions agreed with all stakeholders




HR & Payroll Annual Maintenance 13/14


Planning - October 2013

Delivery - May 2014

RAG Status



Real Time Information (RTI) and Auto-enrolement, introduced in 12/13, have potentially altered the normal plan and approach for this project. It may be more sensible to start this project earlier should the start of the RTI submissions to HRMC require immediate updates. 



Start and end dates will depend on what Oracle release patches and how urgently they need to be applied to our system. 



HR & Payroll Reporting Tool


Planning - December 2013 

Delivery - July 2013

RAG Status






Ongoing work for eRecruitment and HESA testing will impact HR's ability to input to this project. Pensions and Payroll departments cannot undertake any work on this in August 2013 due to leave commitments. depending on when the Annual Maintenance project starts this could impact availability of business resources. 



HESA Staff Return 13/14


Planning - November 2013

Delivery - September 2014

RAG Status






HESA have indicated that as the changes for 12/13 were substantial that changes for 13/14 will be minimal. This will not be certain until HESA release details of any required changes. 



Moving HR Databases (R12 /eRecruitment) to New Infrastructure


Planning - 

Delivery - 

RAG Status



Head of Production Management (IS Apps) has indicated that this Oracle HR & Payroll migration should be completed before the Family pack patching for HR & Payroll Annual Maintenance 13/14. 



eRecruitment migration will need to be co-ordinated with Core should they need to undertake any updates to the application configuration.