Report for July 2014

Report Date
July 2014

Nikki Stuart (IS Apps Programme Manager) for Margaret Ayers and Terry Fox (Programme Owners)


Section One: Programme Commentary, RAG and Resources Update

Section Two: Projects Not Started

Section Three: Projects In Progress

Section Four: Closed or Withdrawn Projects 


Section One: Programme Commentary, RAG and Resources Update



HRS075 - Closed in this reporting period

HRS077 -AMBER - The first three HR reports are expected to be tested and signed off and then deployed mid to late August. Milestones are in process of being agreed with stakeholders and resources secured. 

HRS078 - GREEN - Database migration completed and budget increased to accommodate remaining work. 

HRS079 - GREEN - Funding obtained; project replanned and resourced. 

HRS080 - AMBER - project was conflicted with HESA work and needs to be replanned.

HRS081 - AMBER - Project Planning impacted by eRecruitment Migration. Resources secure in August for preparatory work.

HRS082 - GREEN - Acceptance and Deployment milestones achieved, Closure preparation underway, budget increased to accommodate remaining work. 

AP34-025 - AMBER - Project Board representatives met with Core and it has been agreed that this project will not start until October at the earliest.









 Section Two: Projects Not Started




Project InfoProgramme Manager's Commentary


eRecruitment Phase 2 (Redeployment and Talent Pool)


Planning - October 2014

Delivery - July 2015

RAG Status



Project will now not start until October 2014 at the earliest, project plan will need to be reviewed and replanned with discussions with User Group and Project Board. 







Section Three: Projects in Progress




Project InfoProject Managers Commentary


Improved Reporting from Oracle HR, Payroll and Pensions


Report by Steph Ruthven for July 2014



Achievements in last period

  • First 3 HR reports ready for testing
  • Agreement to not peer test within IS, handing straight to HR for acceptance testing


  • Milestones to be re-planned for the remaining effort in 2014/15. AMBER status reflects that this replanning is in progress but not completed.

Next Steps 

  • Deploy 3 HR reports to live
  • Re-estimate and plan remaining year activity

HRS078 (AP34-024)

Moving eRecruitment database to New Infrastructure



12-Aug-2014eRecruitment Deployment Signoff Review and Closure


RAG Status



Report by Anne Mathison for July 2014

Achievements this period 

  • Completed HR Acceptance testing
  • Down time agreed with HR and Supplier (started Sun 27-Jul afternoon and continued to schedule 28-29 July, with system being made available 1/2 was though 29th afternoon)
  • Resolved remaining issues from Test Migration
  • Finalised completed Technical Architecture Document including the Operations Document
  • Migrated to LIVE
  • Supporting Live Deployment
  • Jump start issues resolved
  • Programme Manager obtained project budget of 100 days


  • None
  • (Increase in estimate with WIS for approval on 8/08, assumed Green RAG status)

Next steps

  • Support Live deployment until Deployment Sign Off
  • Completrihg JIRA information)
  • Prepare Closure document
  • Complete Closure Document
  • Take out old database instance (required as the old existing servers are now at end of life)



RTI and AE Enhancements


Report by Nikki Stuart for July 2014 

Achievements this period 

  1. Funding confirmed for 14/15 patching with caveat that days to be used by end September

  2. Milestones replanned and resources secured for AE and RTI functional patches

  3. Autoenrolement patch applied to DEV without issue

Outstanding Issues



Next steps

  1. Confirm acceptance of AE patching in TEST

  2. Progress RTI Patching to DEV and TEST

  3. Undertake UAT for AE and RTI patches

  4. Apply both patches to LIVE

  5. Deployment and Closure


Capture Staff Levels in Oracle HR and Payroll


Report by Nikki Stuart for July 2014

Achievements this period


  1. Succesful Applicant interface update delivered to TEST however testing identified an issue. Further conflict with HESA has meant that this issue remains outstanding and will milestones will need to be replanned. 


Outstanding Issues


Successful Applicant interface continued to be impacted with a resource conflict to HR HESA


Next steps


  1. resolve issue with successful applicant interface and progress to TEST and LIVE

  2. Replan remaining milestones
  3. Deployment sign off 
  4. Closure sign off




Migrate Oracle HR & Payroll Database to new Infrastructure


Current milestones:

24-Jul-2014Planning Sign-Off


RAG Status:



Report by Nikki Stuart (for David Watters) for July 2014

Achievements in Last Period

  • Initial project discussion held to review risk that project cannot complete by November to allow the Annual Maintenance project to start
  • Resources secured to start preparatory work immediately in August following competion of the HRS078 eRecruitment Database migration


  • Continued unavailability of colleagues to discuss planning because of issues with HRS078

Next Steps

  • Prepare and finalise project brief
  • Commence preparatory work for migration



HR HESA Staff Return 13/14


Current Milestones


22-Sep-2014HR HESA Iterative Deliveries 2014-15
31-Oct-2014HR Staff Return Close


RAG Status


Report by Anne Mathison for July 2014

Achievements this period

  • Supported  Acceptance testing
  • Achieved Acceptance Milestone
  • Completed the required project documentation
  • Achieved Deployed to Live Milestone


  • None

  • (Increase in estimate with WIS for approval 8/08, assumed Green Rag status)

Next steps

  • Support  Live and any Bug Fixes
  • Complete any required deployments
  • Deploy to Live as required











Section Four: Closed or Withdrawn Projects




Project InfoProject Managers Commentary

HRS074 & AP23-053

Staff Development Procurement and Implementation

Report by Nikki Stuart

It was agreed with HR that both the Staff Development Procurement and Implementation projects should be withdrawn. A revised proposal will be submitted during annual planning 13/14 which may cover a revised scope. 





HRS072 (AP23-005)

Oracle HR & Payroll Annual Patching 2012/13


Report by Anne Mathison

Project Closure was agreed in November 2013;

Completion Report for HRS072 Closure Milestone Review


HRS071 (AP23-006 )

HR HESA Staff Return 12/13

Report by Nikki Stuart

Project Closure was agreed in December 2013; 

Completion Report can be found at 


eRecruitment Phase 1b

Report by Nikki Stuart

Project Closure was agreed in December 2013; 

Completion Report can be found at



eRecruitment Efficiencies Review

Report by Dawn Nicholls

Project closure was approved on 4th June

Completion Report can be found at

HRS075 (AP34-021)

HR & Payroll Annual Maintenance 13/14

Report by Anne Mathison

Project Closure was achieved as planned on 22 July 2014

Completion report can be found at: