Report for August 2014

Report Date
August 2014

Susan McKeown (IS Apps Programme Manager) for Margaret Ayers  (Programme Owner)


Section One: Programme Commentary, RAG and Resources Update

Section Two: Projects Not Started

Section Three: Projects In Progress

Section Four: Closed or Withdrawn Projects 


Section One: Programme Commentary, RAG and Resources Update



HRS078 - Closed in this reporting period. However there were 8.2 days of unplanned carryover recorded against this project in 14/15 before it closed. The Programme manager will liaise with the Programme owner on how these can be balanced within the programme.

HRS080 - The project has found a solution to the remaining issue which requires final testing. There are three additional funded days required for this work. The Programme manager and Owner are in the process of agreeing where the funding of these three days will come from.

HRS082 - This project is GREEN and should complete as planned unless HESA request anything above minor alterations to the submission.

AP34-025 - AMBER - Project Board representatives met with Core and it has been agreed that this project will not start until October at the earliest.

AP45-042 - RED - uncertainty the Business can resource this project to the revised timescales.

AP23-053 - AMBER - uncertainty on whether this project will start as planned in Jan 2015







 Section Two: Projects Not Started




Project InfoProgramme Manager's Commentary


eRecruitment Phase 2 (Redeployment and Talent Pool)


Planning - October 2014

Delivery - July 2015

RAG Status



Project will now not start until October 2014 at the earliest, project plan will need to be reviewed and replanned following discussions with User Group and Project Board. 




 Approval to proceed from Project Board


Hourly Paid and Casual Employment Review


Planning - October 2014

Delivery - July 2015

 RAG Status



 The start date of this project has been amended to 29 September 2014 as the Business is not in a position to commence before then. However, there is a high risk associated with this project that the local HR teams will not have the resource capacity to participate. The scope of this project may therefore be substantially reduced for 14/15.


Resource availability in UHRS and local HR teams.


HESA Staff Return 14/15


Planning -April 2015

Delivery - October 2016

RAG Status



 Project planned to start 30 March 2015





Learning Management


 Planning - Feb 2015

Delivery - Jan 2016

 RAG Status



There is uncertainty about whether the Business will be in a position to start this project as planned in Early 2015. The programme manager will be working with the programme owner to obtain more certainty.






Section Three: Projects in Progress





Project InfoProject Managers Commentary


Capture Staff Levels in Oracle HR and Payroll


Current Milestones - require approved

12-Sep-2014Acceptance Sign Off - Successful Applicant
23-Sep-2014Deploy to LIVE - Successful Applicant Interface
30-Sep-2014Deployment Sign Off and Closure


RAG Status


Report by Anne Mathison for August 2014

Achievements this period

  1. Succesful Applicant interface update delivered to TEST however testing identified an issue. Further conflict with HESA has meant that this issue remained outstanding for August and milestones now require replanned 
  2. Work has since been completed at the start of September which early indications indicate that this has solved the issue


  1. Small budget increase will require approval - the Programme Manager is liaising with Programme Owner on the funding for the final three days.
  2. Milestones require aproved to take account of the CAB process

Next steps

  1. Resolve issue with successful applicant interface and progress to TEST and LIVE
    1. Resolved issue currently in TEST 2-Sep, Acceptance is currently in progress
  2. Replan remaining milestones - waiting to be approved by the Business Partner
  3. Deployment sign off 
  4. Closure sign off


HR HESA Staff Return 13/14


Current Milestones


22-Sep-2014HR HESA Iterative Deliveries 2014-15
31-Oct-2014HR Staff Return Close


RAG Status


Report by Anne Mathison for August 2014

Achievements this period

  • Supported any reported bugs
  • Addressed, tested  and deployed all reported bugs bar one
  • One item came up that could not be resolved in the time available before the HESA Staff Return was submitted to HESA.
    • However this piece of work has been handled manually for the 2013-14 HESA Staff  Return 
    • This piece of work will be input as a requirement for the 2014-15 HESA Staff Return project


  • None

Next steps

  • Support  Live if required
  • Assist Business with any data changes that require scripts
  • Complete deployments if required
  • Deploy to Live if required





Section Four: Closed or Withdrawn Projects




Project InfoProject Managers Commentary

Project Code (AP-No)

Project Title

Report by Project Manager

Project Closure Milestone Achievement date

Provide link to the project's Completion Report

HRS078 (AP34-024)

Moving eRecruitment Database to new Infrastructure

Report by Anne Mathison

Project Closure Milestone Achievement date 22-Aug-14

Project's Completion Report is available on the website.

Outstanding action for Programme Manager to resolve the 8.2 days of unplanned carryover into 14/15