Report for April 2013

Report Date
April 2013


Nikki Stuart (IS Apps Programme Manager) for Lindsey Miller, Eilidh Fraser, Gordon Forbes (Programme Owners)


Section One: Programme Commentary, RAG and Resources Update

Section Two: Projects Not Started

Section Three: Projects In Progress

Section Four: Closed or Withdrawn Projects 


Section One: Programme Commentary, RAG and Resources Update




HRS068 - eRecruitment Lessons learned exercise held with the Project Team. Similar exercise conducted with User Group and feedback requested from the Project Board and Core. Final Report delayed due to high volume of data and Project Managers conflicting priorities. 

HRS070 - Draft closure report created. Closure now expected mid May. 

HRS071 - HESA testing is now underway. An initial issue with the additional questions set up in eRecruitment has now been resolved. Changes to scope have impacted the project, however, the project still remains GREEN and on track to meet milestones. 

HRS072 - RED as the issue with the P60 reports is still with Oracle, the priority for this has been increased and daily updates have been requested. Additional patches have been provided by Oracle impacting on the overall project estimate. 

HRS073 - Project GREEN again and has been replanned following last months issues. Revised plan has been approved by the Board and communications issued to Users. Good progress is being made with testing. 

HRS074 - Project Planning underway with the first Project Team meeting arranged for 9th May. 

 Section Two: Projects Not Started


Project InfoProgramme Manager's Commentary


Staff Development- Implementation


Planning tbc

Delivery tbc

RAG Status




tbc - will depend on outcome of procurement project



Implementation requirements will depend on the outcome of the procurement project. 


Section Three: Projects in Progress


Project InfoProject Managers Commentary

HRS068 (AP01-011)

HR Sytsem R12 Upgrade


Category: Compliance





RAG Status



Report by Nikki Stuart for April 2013 


 Achievements in Last Period
  • Draft Closure report created and circulated within IS Applications. 


  • Closure has been postponed due to the same resources being required to deliver the critical autoenrolment and tax year end deliverables for HRS072 HR & Payroll Annual Maintenance
 Next Steps
  • Circulate Draft Closure Report to HR, Payroll and Pensions representatives
  • Closure review and sign off


Project Status is blue as delivery is complete.



HRS070 (AP90-049 )

Procure and Implement New Recruitment System


Category: Discretionary







RAG Status



Report by Nikki Stuart for April 2013


 Achievements in Last Period

  • Lessons Learned excercise undertaken gathering input from the Project Team, User Group and Core. The Project Board were also asked to contribute.

  • The high volume of data has resulted in this task taking longer that planned. Closure will now take place in June. 


Next Steps
  • Closure review and sign off 


Project Status is blue as delivery is complete.




HRS071 (AP23-006 )

HR HESA Staff Return 12/13


Category: Compliance




22-May-2013Acceptance sign-off
19-Jun-2013Delivery sign-off
15-Nov-2013Post-deployment sign-off



RAG Status


Report by Jill Nicoll for April 2013

Achievements in last period:

Build (excluding APEX forms):

  • build-reviewed and signed off
  • deployed to Test, Integration tested, and signed off
  • released for UAT testing

The Business Area Manager provided the full business logic required to derive LEVELS.  This logic will be applied during the UAT stage.

Developers attended Oracle APEX training.

Second developer has built APEX forms.  These are currently in Peer Testing.


An issue was identified with the TEST eRecruitment application resulting from the updates for the eRecruitment Phase 1b project. This has resulted in an ongoing delay in setting up the applicants required for UAT testing. 

Scope was added to the project when HESA released requirement changes on 30th April.  These changes will impact the HR extract to the HESA tables, and will require the Designer's time to assess and specify the resulting code changes.  However the Desgner is booked for only one day per week during the UAT stage, to support the developers and complete the System documentation.  Further, the Designer has been over-booked by project HRS072 for the same period.  PM to request as much additional Desgner booking as possible, to fit around HRS072 bookings.

There has been a 2-day delay to the Test deployment of the Apex forms.  This is due to a high number of Peer testing feedback items.  The revised target date for release for UAT is Weds 8th May. 

The developer effort recorded against the Build stage is 16 days over the Build estimate.  This overspend has been compensated for by reducing the Project Management and QA budgets for the project.  As a result, the overall project budget has not increased.

Next Steps:


Core to fix Test eRecruitment.  Business testers to set up test applicants. 

Apex forms to be released for UAT.

UAT testing to be completed and signed off.

All project code to be deployed to Live. 

HRS072 (AP23-005)

Oracle HR & Payroll Annual Patching


Category: Compliance




06-May-2013JRE and Password change
09-May-2013Urgent AE Pensions Milestone
13-May-20133 Build RTI Changes + Security patches
19-May-20132 P60 Live
28-May-20133 ASOR RTI Changes + Security Patches
03-Jun-20133 Deploy RTI Changes + Security

RAG Status


Report by Anne Mathison for April 2013

Major issue this month is the resolution of the P60 which is legally required for end on May.

The number of urgent patches and issues have required significantly more time than was expected to process and patch

Achievements in Last Period - 

  • Phase 2 Deploy TYE and RTI Patches on 2nd April
  • JRE and Password Change delivered to DEV on 3rd April, and to TEST 9th April 
  • JRE delivered to LIVE on 3rd May


  • P2 P60 coded however had an issue  and has been raised with Oracle, this is still ongoing and early in May a decision will be made as to when to increase the priority with Oracle to 24*7
    • RISK 18 was raised surrounding this issue 
  • Second urgent unplanned Auto-enrolment Pensions work was required as soon as possible and had to be accommodated before the planned P3 RTI Changes and Security Patches began
    • This then delayed the start of and reduced the time available for P3 RTI and Security work in Dev and Test
    • LIVE planned date is unchanged.
  • Auto-enrolment continues to have patches arriving that require to be accommodated and the planned work re-planned
  • There have already been notifications of more RTI patches arriving in June after P3 is complete
    • These will have to be prioritised before planning more new work
  • Project estimates have been reviewed and revised estimate requires agreed

Next Steps

  • P2 P60 issue with Oracle. HR and Payroll require P60 to be resolved before May 19th.
  • P3 Build RTI Changes and Security patches
  • P3 ASOR RTI Changes and Security patches
  • P3 Deploy RTI Changes and Security patches



eRecruitment Phase 1b


Category: Funded



06-May-2013PDF Replacement - UAT Sign Off
10-May-2013PDF Replacement - Deploy to LIVE
20-Jun-2013Acceptance Sign Off - Core deliverables (Priority 1 and Priority 2)
27-Jun-2013Deployment - Priority 1 and Priority 2


RAG Status


Report by NIkki Stuart for April 13



Achievements in Last Period
  • Core delivered Priority 1 and Priority 2 deliverables to TEST
  • HR Systems Team have started testing
  • Project Replanned
  • Test scenarios and sign off criteria for the Priority 2 deliverables drafted
  • Test Criteria reviewed by Core and feedback recieved. Minimal changes required and all meet with the original requirements
  • Specifications for all Core dervelopments reviewed by HR Systems Team
  • User Group meeting held
  • TAD and Operational documentation updated for the PDF replacement
  • Design sign off for the PDF replacement
  • PDF replacement deployed to DEV and TEST


  • The testing of the BOXI universe has been impacted by the complexity of the raw data. This is being progressed between HR and IS Apps with assistance from Core. 
  • The project required to be replanned based on the delivery dates for teh Priority 1 and Priority 2 updates. 
  • PDF Replacement is linked to the software upgrade and therefore it appears cannot be released to users before end June. 


Next Steps
  • Continue testing for Core Releases
  • HR Systems Team sign off relesaes ready for User Testing
  • Sign Off UAT of the PDF replacement solution
  • Agree deployment date for the PDF replacement
  • Progress investigation in to the BOXI universe issues with the aim of completing UAT
  • Design and Build for IS Applications developed components (MyEd Channel Update, Successful Applicant Interface and BOXI Phase 1b Updates)



RS074 (AP23-053)

Staff Development System- Procurement





Remaining Milestones still to be planned


RAG Status


Report by NIkki Stuart for April 13


Achievements in Last Period


  • Draft ToR created with draft project vision, objectives and scope
  • Draft Project Plan created
  • Initial Project Team created
  • Draft Consultation Plan created
  • Planning Milestone replanned to fall after the expected first Project Board at end May.
Next Steps
  • Invitations to Project Board members
  • ToR, Plan and Consultation Plan reviewed by Project Team
  • Initial Consultations with Project Team and UHRS
  • Identify Persona's and Stakeholders
  • Arrange consultations with agreed stakeholders





Section Four: Closed or Withdrawn Projects


Project InfoProject Managers Commentary


Project Code 


Project Title

 HR Real Time Tax Year End 12/13



Report by Nikki Stuart

This project was withdrawn on 19th October 2012


The deliverables and revised estimated effort for these have been merged with teh Tax Year End Project for the newly named HR & Payroll Annual Maintenance project. 

Please see the PRICCL log for further details