Report for May 2019

Report Date
May 2019




Report by Muriel Mewissen on behalf of Alan Gilchrist (MVMLAT Programme Managers) for Philippa Burrell (MVMLAT Programme Owner) and Catherine Elliot (MVM Portfolio Owner)


  • Vet and Medical School sub-group IT meeting
  • College Administration Team (CAT) meeting
  • College Undergraduate Learning and Teaching (CULT) committee
  • Post Graduate Learning and Teaching (PGLTC) committee
  • Excerpts taken into CSG report


Section One: Programme Commentary, RAG and Resources Update


During May, work progressed well across the programme. All projects, but one, are reporting a GREEN RAG status. The only RED project remains:

  • MVM130 Upgrading of teaching spaces 2018/19 where refurbishment works in WGH managed by the Estates department are scheduled to complete on the Friday before start of term leaving no room for contingency. Mitigation is in place to allow other preparation work (i.e. AV installation) to take place in parallel to the building work. Plan for alternative teaching locations is also being explored as a contingency plan.

Because of this risk and the potential impact on start of term, the overall status of the MVMLAT programme is AMBER.

Please note that the project RAG status is following the revised guidelines: A one-page summary of the IS RAG status indicators is available on this page.


Forward Look - May 2019


Section Two: Projects Not Started

The  un-prioritised projects from last session were reviewed at Programme Review Monthly Meeting - August & September 2018. Two projects were no longer relevant and have been withdrawn.

The remaining projects below were expected to start in 2018/19. However, due to competing priorities and lack of capacity in MVM, starting these may have to be pushed back to next session.

Project Programme Manager's Commentary
MVM102 Innovative Technology review TBC
MVM106: Student Print Strategy TBC
MVM109 Technology to support communications with potential students. TBC
MVM110 Technology to support Open Educational Resources (OER) TBC
MVM113 Technology to support student portfolios TBC


Section Three: Projects in Progress

MVM Learning and Teaching Projects Update

MVM112: Technology to support simulation teaching - RAG Status: GREEN

Report by Alan Gilchrist

Achievements this period

  • Completed discussions with procurement regarding manikin replacements, so report can now be progressed.

Next Steps

  • Continue development of Simulated Patient database.
  • Discuss next steps of replacing manikins with procurement and then complete tender.
  • Create an initial draft report outlining the University’s simulation equipment currently available within the Chancellor’s Building Clinical Skills Centre and WGH MEC.  Include proposed maintenance costs, annual recurring costs and replacement cycles.

MVM125: Connectivity - Off-campus 2018/19 - RAG Status: GREEN

Report by Alan Gilchrist

Achievements this period

  • We have a new account manager within Khipu Networks, so have had several discussions with him over the past month.
  • Have introduced new Account Manager in Khipu to Data-Comms Manager in NHS Lanarkshire and they are discussing matters for the purpose of suggesting suitable solutions to the current issues.  These could include telephone support options, a specific number of on-site support days or suggesting an annual managed service (similar to what may go into NHS Forth Valley).
  • Have received amended quotes for 1, 3 and 5 year managed service options for installing eduroam in NHS Forth Valley.  Any hardware installed as part of the service would belong to the University, sit on the wireless network provided by Serco and be supported by Khipu.  These quotes have been passed on to CMVM Head of IT for a decision to be made.

Next Steps

  • Create a suitable PC build configuration for the PAEP library and install on the computers on site.
  • Receive suggested options for restoring eduroam connectivity in NHS Lanarkshire.
  • Receive decision on options for NHS Forth Valley.

MVM126 Upgrading of student computer labs, teaching and meeting room PCs 2018/19 - RAG Status: GREEN

Report by Alan Gilchrist

Achievements this period

  • PCs for the Dental Institute have been installed.
  • The remaining PCs for the Western General Medical Education Centre have been delivered.
  • The Vet School PCs have all been delivered.
  • Remaining presenter PCs for various sites (Greenfield Suite, Chancellor's Building, Borders General, HRB, Lauriston) have all been ordered.

Next Steps

  • Receive presenter PCs for various sites and install.
  • Install Vet School PCs.

MVM129 Support for OSCEs in Practique for MBChB - RAG Status: GREEN

Report by Paul De'Ath

Achievements this period

  • Initiated the extension of the original two year contract between UoE and Fry-IT for Practique
  • Provided some additional support for MBChB at the OSCE assessments
  • Commencing the construction of the closure report


  • N/A all risks closed

Next Steps

  • Prepare to close the project in June

MVM130 Upgrading of teaching spaces 2018/19 - RAG Status: RED

Report by Alan Gilchrist

Achievements this period

  • Eddy O'Hare (LST) and Simon Kidd (Easter Bush IT) are working to organise the AV installations and necessary Estates work for the Vet School teaching room upgrades.
  • All remaining AV equipment in the Western General Medical Education Centre has been removed in preparation for the main contractor to take over the site.
  • Main building contractor for the Western General Medical Education Centre has been appointed and is due to start work on Monday 10th June.
  • AV contractors for Western General Hospital Medical Education Centre have been appointed and a meeting with the main building contractor has been scheduled for Friday 14th June.


  • The start date of 10th June for the Western General Hospital Medical Education Centre is several weeks later than planned.  Tender responses were for a 15 week programme, however contractor has agreed to target a 12 week programme which would mean completion may be on Friday 30th August.  This means at least 1 week of teaching needs to be accommodated elsewhere in the Western General.
  • Additional challenges have been found in the Western General Hospital Medical Education Centre, which needs to be fully addressed as part of the project.  This is expected to take 6 weeks and is due to start on 17th June.
  • Still waiting for engie costs to be returned for 5 rooms in the Chancellor's Building and for dates of when work will be carried out in the other 2.  This has been escalated up through engie channels and meetings are supposed to take place during first week of June.

Next Steps

  • Arrange suitable dates for upgrades of Chancellor's Building rooms with engie and appointed AV contractor.
  • Meet with AV contractors and main building contractor for the Western General Medical Education Centre refurbishment project and ensure everyone is aware of requirements and time frames for work to be carried out.

MVM131: Migration of 12 applications developed in Biomedical Sciences to central support - Analysis & Strategy - RAG Status: GREEN

Report by Geoff Cropley

Achievements this period

  • Final report with recommendations has been completed


  • None

Next Steps

  • Project Closure
MVM132 MBChB ranking reports in BI Suite  - RAG Status: GREEN
Report by Paul De'Ath

Achievements this period

  • New object created and tested - change raised to promote into Live
  • Progress team meeting held


  • SSP BA resource although scheduled was not able to support the project in May - now scheduled for late June
  • MBChB were unable to complete manual ranking this month (due to assessment issues elsewhere) - no impact to project, will roll into June

Next Steps

  • Schedule a further project team meeting  - confirmed June 20
  • Follow up on progress (and completion) of change supporting the release of the new object
MVM133 CMVM Curriculum Mapping Tool - Requirements - RAG Status: GREEN
Report by Kevin Hone

Achievements this period

  • Planning completed.
  • The overall project is progressing to plan.
  • Requirements have now been gathered and are in a state for co-sponsor review. A meeting is scheduled to completed this task.
  • Engagement has been had with resource from Command both in the UK and with a support manager in Poland.
  • Engagement has been had with procurement awaiting feedback on intended Prior Information Notice (PIN) and steps involved in Procurement Contract Scotland (PCS)


  • The Business Analyst being on annual leave at project start-up meant that in order to advance initial activities, the Project Manager took on the role for a period.
  • It has been difficult to engage with resource from the Medical under-graduate course due to non-availability. To be raised at next meeting.

Next Steps

  • To sign-off business requirements (to be presented in the form of a mind-map). 
  • To issue a PIN with questions for respondents to complete.
  • To seek a wider audience of potential suppliers.
  • To organise product demonstrations.
  • To populate an options paper with recommendations.

MVM Portfolio Projects Update

MVM522: MVM Business Process Review for SharePoint Delivery - RAG Status: AMBER

Report by Paul De'Ath

Achievements this period

  • Academic Admin site continues to be developed via MVM colleagues
  • Usher have also commenced on their subsite development via MVM colleagues
  • Review of cmvm site ongoing - CPAG identified as required (confirmation needed on where it should reside), Vet school analysing their content


  • N/A no new risks and issues

Next Steps

  • PM targeting closure of project in July such that clear recommendations can be considered in 2019-20 academic year for smaller projects - approach not agreed yet with sponsor
  • College MVM stakeholders developing strategy - identifying training material- seeking to consolidate site content

Projects outwith the MVM Portfolio Update

Report by Alan Gilchrist and Anne-Marie Scott (LTW):

P0267: The EEMeC Administration Migration Project - RAG Status: GREEN

A number of issues related to content within the VLE have been identified post-migration. A report has been provided to the Programme Director, Head of School and College Registrar summarising the issues.

Given the GMC visit in early November, additional resource has been made available to the College. Staff from LTW are spending time based in Little France and are offering one-to-one sessions with academic colleagues to check links, tidy formatting and other changes as required. 16 sessions have been booked.

Discussions with Library and University Collections colleagues have agreed how best to manage Leganto Resources Lists for the MBChB. First content has been added to the Knowledge Hub site.

P0264: The eeSurg VLE Migration Project - RAG Status: GREEN

Knowledge base main pages now migrated and with academic team for checking. Knowledge base 140 'orphan' pages identified and ESSQ team have confirmed which pages to be migrated.

Course prototype reviewed by Project Board 28 Aug. Second prototype (Academic Surgery) populated. Reviewed and signed off at Programme Board on 06 November. Focus is now on gathering content to be migrated via Word documents. Content will be added to Learn as web content. Academic team raised the potential for additional support in their team required during this process. Will monitor and flag if it becomes an issue. Academic team to discuss with College Office process around issuing tutors with EASE credentials for access to the VLE.

DTP001: Apps to User Devices - RAG Status: GREEN

Project board has agreed that we will look to launch the service in Summer 2019, with first student groups using the service from start of Semester September 2019.  The project and college teams are to focus on completing functional testing as soon as possible, with further phase of performance testing to follow once 10Gb network and technical testing activities have concluded.  The service name is to change from AppsAnywhere and we are looking to have final name chosen by end of February to allow for the necessary changes to be made to projects materials and artefacts (e.g. logos, training videos etc).

MLE003: Lecture Recording Implementation - RAG Status: CLOSED

The first phase launch of Media Hopper Replay is complete and the project will be moving to closure. 138 rooms were equipped for September 2017 and a number of CMVM rooms were prioritised during the rollout.  Use in Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences is increasing. The School of Medicine were not historic users of the previous service and the second phase of the project will be focussed on supported expanded use in such Schools. There are some particular challenges in the School related to confidential content and the level of access in Learn which will be the focus of the next phase in terms of support.

MVM123: Vet School Timetabling and Room Booking Migration - RAG Status: CLOSED

Project was closed in September 2018.

MVM128: Edinburgh Medical School Timetabling and Room Booking Migration - RAG Status: CLOSED

Project was closed in March 2019. The Closure Report is available to view.

HSS020: CAHSS WAM Extended Pilot - RAG Status: CLOSED

  • This project was started in September 2017 and was closed on the 28 September 2018. The Closure Report is available to view.

HSS022: CAHSS WAM Deployment  - RAG Status: GREEN

  • Business School, School of Economics and School of Social and Political Science

    • Business School - Some actions from UAT are pending with both Ann and Simitive
    • Economics - Now live
    • School of Social and Political Science - The change request has been approved and work is scheduled for the gap analysis and build. 
  • College of Art and Centre for Open Learning

    • College of Art - History of Art is pending response from Kirsty to resolve the final UAT amends. All other subject areas have now been completed and I will be sending the import template today. 
    • Open Learning - UAT amends have been submitted via Managed Service.
  • Training

    • Allocator training is scheduled for the morning of 21st May 2019.

Other Updates

ISG Innovation fund

Project funding allocations have been made and decisions are being communicated. A list should be available for future meetings.

TEL049: VLE Minimum Standards - RAG Status: RED

Paper has been sent to Senate LTC 15 November meeting outlining the scope of the project. Project manager has been assigned and project brief will be available on Projects website shortly. This will be a multi-year project.

Section Four: Closed or Withdrawn Projects

Project Info Project Manager's Commentary
MVM121: Reporting of Assessment Outcomes for External Bodies This project was started in May 2017 and was closed on the 22 March 2019. The Closure Report is available to view.
MVM127: Upgrading of teaching spaces 2017/18  This project was started in February 2018 and was closed on the 28 September 2018. The Closure Report is available to view.
MVM105: Strategy for the upgrade of our teaching spaces (annual) This project was started in September 2016 and was closed on the 28 September 2018. The Completion Report is available to view.

Section Five: Programme Meeting Minutes



14 May 2019 Programme Review Monthly Meeting - April 2019
19 April 2019 Programme Review Monthly Meeting - February & March 2019
15 January 2019  
4 December 2018  
2 November 2018 Programme Review Monthly Meeting - October 2018
27 September 2018 Programme Review Monthly Meeting - August & September 2018


Not available.