May 2014

Report Date
May 2014

Report compiled by Sheila Fraser (IS Apps Programme Manager)

Section One: Programme Commentary, RAG and Resources Update

The overall programme status is GREEN as IS has agreed to transfer budget/days to enable the work to continue. A total of 78d has been transferred from ISG: 46d for SAS001 and 43d for DAS008.

SAS001 is GREEN as the work is scheduled to complete by the start of August following the transfer of budget.

DAS008 is AMBER as although the project has been planned an issue has subsequently arisen which is likely to require a scope change. It is still expected that the project will be able to deliver the decommissioning before the drop dead date for the infrastructure as the 2 week concentrated period is tentatively scheduled to start 28th July.


 Section Two: Projects Not Started

Project Info

Project Managers Commentary


Section Three: Projects in Progress

Project InfoProject Managers Commentary


Category: Core


Target dateTitle
16-May-2014End of Planning
06-Jun-2014Build Stage Sign-off PPBR
20-Jun-2014Integration Sign-off PPIR
27-Jun-2014Acceptance Sign-off ASOR

RAG Status




Report for May 2014 by Sally Hayward


Achievements in Last Period
  • Agreement and Sign-off off the Project Brief
  • Authorisation of the updated budget of 66 days
  • Work has started on the TAD
  • None
Next Steps
  • Agreement on the version of PURE to be installed on the DEV environment
  • Sign-off of the TAD
  • Complete the build of the DEV environment and associated testing and sign-off


Decommission Alumni Live Database

Category: Core


Target dateTitle
20-Jun-2014Events Booking ASOR
26-Jun-2014Events Booking Deploy to LIVE
10-Jul-2014Events Booking DSOR
16-Jul-2014New ThankQ > IDM Connection: Develop short SDS & Implementation Plan for ThankQ > IDM & Update TAD
16-Jul-2014New ThankQ > IDM Connection: PPBR

RAG Status


Report for May 2014 by Sheila Fraser (Programme Manager acting in lieu of Project Manager)

Achievements in Last Period

  • Completed analysis of current project status: work completed to date, work remaining and dependencies on order of work. Re-estimated remaining tasks on this basis and agreed transfer of 43d from IS to cover increased estimate.
  • Identify new Project Manager and bring up to speed with current status - complete: David Watters will be Project Manager ongoing.
  • Set up conference call with Dev and Alumni and ThankQ to evaluate current status and next actions - not complete - to be scheduled by David.
  • Identify suitable time periods when the remaining work can be done - identified as last week in July / first week in August, to be confirmed with resource managers and ThankQ.
  • PM to re-plan project, agreeing milestones and resources - complete, subject to confirmation of timing of 2 week window as above.
  • While the objectives and deliverables are on track, a part of the success criterion for the project is unable to be achieved without a change in scope and budget. ITS029 was due to deliver 4 new affiliation types for alumni and the design and development of IDM took this into account so that this could be achieved. The testing was only partially completed so the 4 affiliation types exist in IDM DEV and IDM TEST, but not in IDM LIVE. Completion would involve an analysis of the current downstream systems and potentially updates to downstream systems to be able to handle 4 different affiliation types rather than the single alumnus as currently. Alternatively, it may be that since a variety of systems upgrades have taken place since ITS029 was closed, that an alternative solution may be more appropriate.
Next Steps
  • Set up conference call with Dev and Alumni and ThankQ to evaluate current status and next actions.
  • Confirm re-plan of project: confirm 2 week window of last week in July / first week in August (with resource managers and ThankQ).
  • Events Booking connector change from Alumlive to EUGEX: confirm TEST environment, re-test and deploy changes to LIVE.


Section Four: Closed or Withdrawn Projects


Pure Enhancements


Report by Sue Woodger

This project was closed on 20-Jan-14

Please see the Completion Report for further information



Not available.