
This programme has now closed following the last Programme Board meeting on 23-June 2016. Future Research projects will be delivered via the  Research General programme



“Worktribe - Empowering and supporting research administrators and investigators from idea through costing, approvals, award, post-award management and closure“

This programme focused on delivery of a new 'Worktribe Research Management' system to support improved pre-award and post-award business processes across the University.


The new 'Worktribe Research Management ' system is now fully rolled out across the University and integrated with the existing Finance , HR and PURE systems.

New solution went live across the whole University from Mon 18th April 2016

Previously, the Live system had been 'trialed' across 3 Pilot Schools / Institutes  - one for each College from the 30th Nov 2015. 

During the pilot , the 3 pilot schools (IGMM, PPLS and Informatics) used the new Worktribe Research Managment system for management of all their research projects, the other non-pilot schools continued to use the existing legacy systems ( InfoEd and Infintie) .

There was a pilot review checkpoint at the end of Feb 2016, with some recommendations for fine tuning.

Legacy systems (InfoEd and Infinite) were decomissioned during June 2016.


Other Information: 



Name Role Contact Details
Hugh Edmiston Programme Owner (CSG) Hugh.Edmiston@ed.ac.uk
Hamish MacAndrew Business Lead (ERI) Hamish.Macandrew@ed.ac.uk
Gary Halliday Business Lead (RGS Finance) Richard.Scullion@ed.ac.uk
RIchard Scullion Business Lead (RGS Finance) Gary.Halliday@ed.ac.uk
Liz Welch Senior Supplier (Finance)


Jamie Thin Programme Manager (IS Applications) Jamie.Thin@ed.ac.uk
Mark Rtichie Delivery Manager (IS Applications) Mark.Ritchie@ed.ac.uk
Simon Marsden Senior Supplier (IS Applications)  Simon.Marsden@ed.ac.uk


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