Report for January 2013

Report Date
January 2013


Report compiled by Jamie Thin (IS Apps Programme Manager) for Stuart Lewis (Programme Owner)

Section One: Programme Commentary, RAG and Resources Update


The agreed baseline programme budget for SIR for 2012-13 is 6 days (IS Apps effort)



  • Achievements in Last Period

No active projects

  • Issues

Impact of eFin upgrade, with temp freeze on future project work until after 21-Feb 2013

  • Next Steps

Agree dates to start the testing of the VAT invoices (as part of the continued roll-out of Voyager / eFin Integration) - will now need to be  March 2013 , due to eFin upgrade.

New eFin Dev (v4.1) and new eFin TEST (v4.1)  - project work will be frozen from Dec-12 to March-13 during the upgrade to allow for regression testing etc During this period , all interfaces will be re-pointed and business areas will be asked to re-test the interfaces (for the Library this will require some re-testing of the existing non-VAT invoice interface from Voyager to eFin once eFin TEST upgraded to v4.1)

For annual planning 2013-14 - a proposal suggestion has been submitted for integration of Talis Aspire reading lists to corporate systems with a feed from Org Hierachy to allow easier navigation to reading lists. Following dialogue with Simon Marsden, Mark Ritchie and Dave Berry - it was agreed that this could be done as in-year work in 12-13 , re-using an existing extract from the Org Hierachy (additional effort required  in 12-13 tbc)