

The Service Management Improvement Initiative is a programme of projects and activities that aims to develop IT service management within the university.

It will utilise the ITIL framework to provide quality IT services to customers within the university, focusing on the resources and facilities needed to support the succesful depoyment of IT. The programme is Vision-led and among its aims targets two of the three strategic Enablers outlined in the University's Strategic Plan for 2008-2012

  • Quality Services
  • Quality Infrastructure.

The Vision is the full implementation of an integrated service management software package to encourage and facilitate continuous service improvement methods and measures.

Since its procurement and installation over 2009/2010, the software package has been TOPdesk, underpinning the UniDesk service which is a joint partnership between Edinburgh, St Andrews and Abertay, Dundee, which also has Sheffield Hallam, Ulster, Stirling, and Edinburgh Napier University as service users.

The programme therefore also includes upgrades and enhcancements to UniDesk.





Name Role Contact Details
Neil Bruce Programme Owner


Alex Carter Programme Owner alex.carter@ed.ac.uk

Colin Watt

Programme Manager (IS Applications)




Current Programme status

Report Date RAG
July 2023 GREEN

Programme Dashboard


Nothing to report.

Change dashboard

Nothing to report.