ITI - Research Services (RSS) |
Maurice Franceschi |
ITI - Enterprise Services (ENT) |
Morna Findlay |
ITI - Divisional and Directorate (IDR) |
Maurice Franceschi |
ITI - Desktop Services (DST) |
Maurice Franceschi |
ITI - Data Safe Haven (DSH) |
Maurice Franceschi |
ITI - Communications Infrastructure (CIS) |
Maurice Franceschi |
ISG – Collections 2025+ (COLL) |
Karen Stirling |
ISG Virtual Learning Environment Projects (VLE) |
Annie Heaney |
ISG User Services (USD) |
Colin Watt |
ISG Portfolio Projects (OTHISG) |
Adam Wadee |
ISG Learning Spaces Technology (AV) |
Stephen Dishon |
ISG Learning and Teaching Spaces: Estates (AV) |
Stephen Dishon |
ISG Learning and Teaching Spaces: CSE (AV) |
Stephen Dishon |
ISG Learning and Teaching Spaces: CMVM (AV) |
Stephen Dishon |
ISG Learning and Teaching Spaces: CAHSS (AV) |
Stephen Dishon |
ISG Learning and Teaching Spaces (LTS) |
ISG - Web and Portal Services Programme (WPS) |
Tim Gray |
ISG - Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) |
Tim Gray |
ISG - Library & University Collections (LUC) |
Karen Stirling |
ISG - Lecture Recording (MLE) |
Colin Forrest |
ISG - Learning Teaching and Web General (LTW) |
Kevin Brogan |
ISG - IT Service Management (SMI) |
Colin Watt |
Internet of Things (IOT) |
Steve Taylor |
Human Resources (HRS) |
Susan Ridder-Patrick |
Historical Data Storage (HDS) |
Ben Armstrong |