


This project will deliver enhancements to the University's new Recruitment System (eRecruitment) which were either agreed as Phase 1b requirements during the initial implementation or have emerged following the launch to users.

The changes to support the University's revised Redeployment Policy and the Talent Pool functionality will also be implemented as a later project with a current planned start date of May 2013. 



Current project status

Report Date RAG Budget Effort Completed Effort to complete
November 2013 BLUE 110.0 days 109.0 days 2.0


Changes to Fee Algorithm


Project Summary:

1) A Drupal content-managed website, with additional Social Media functionality for registered users (staff and students), who can communicate and collaborate in designated groups.

2) Cometchat integrated with Organic Groups.

3) Instant Messaging within groups.

4) Blogging functionality within groups.

5) Filesharing/downloading within chat.

6) Shibboleth authentication implemented.

7) Bibliographic information system.


The current system, IRIS, has been in operation for the last 8 years. The IRIS system, which is use across the University sector,  was eveloped and continues to be supported by an Australian company called Colsoft.  However, having identified the need for further functional and information improvements and in acknowleging the risk that the system is supported, primarily by one person in conjuction with a part-time colleague, the decision has been taken to investigate, identify and implement a new system that will fullfill the business requirements

Current project status

Report Date RAG Budget Effort Completed Effort to complete
June 2013 GREEN 65.0 days 44.6 days 10.0


The Enhancing Student Support (ESS) project has been established to provide an improved experience for students on programmes at the University of Edinburgh. It aims to improve student satisfaction with the quality of the programme through an enhanced support infrastructure for students. This project is a follow up of previous ESS projects and will concentrate on delivering group functions to Personal Tutors and also a framework for setting up and maintaining group functions outwith Personal Tutors. This project is to be split into 2 phases:

Current project status

Report Date RAG Budget Effort Completed Effort to complete
May 2013 BLUE 93.0 days 94.0 days 2.0


The University is required to provide staffing information to HESA on an annual basis. 

Each year, HESA provides requirements for the current submission.  This usually involves some modifications to the existing process.  For the 2012/13 submission, the HESA requirements call for an unusually high number of changes.  These are expected to involve changes to:

Current project status

Report Date RAG Budget Effort Completed Effort to complete
November 2013 BLUE 264.0 days 278.0 days 0.0

This project is a 'dummy' project to track the risks for the SACS Programme in the Risk Log page as otherwise it is not possible to track risks at programme level. It may also be used to track actions in relation to the founding of the Student Systems Partnership. No other project documentation or status reports will be completed for this project.


HMRC have changed the PAYE reporting regulations: 

           Currently, Finance sends an annual Tax Year End return to HMRC each April, for the Tax Year just ended. 

Current project status

Report Date RAG Budget Effort Completed Effort to complete
October 2013 BLUE 148.0 days 199.4 days 0.3


SMART enhancements to all schools in HSS



To include prioritised requirements  that are enhancement within the agreed budget (141 days). The prioritised requirements will be identified and agreed by HSS users and USD/SACS. Those which cannot be completed within the budget will be out of scope.

IS Apps Man have identified calls that will be done as part of support.

Documentation and training are also out of scope.



To support HSS schools to use SMART.

Current project status

Report Date RAG Budget Effort Completed Effort to complete
July 2013 BLUE 183.0 days 188.0 days 0.0

Project Summary:

Were the project goals met? Were the project deliverables fully or partially accomplished?

The objectives of this project were: