Extract and reports from Unidesk data
Project Summary:
The primary objective of the project was to upgrade the POLO database to version 10g of Oracle. This was achieved.
The deliverables of the project were as follows
This is a small-scale enhancement as a sub-project of SAC003.
- for the overall project SAC003, see
Update 7-Nov 2012
E2 - UKBA - Length of Tier4 Study in UK - deployed to LIVE on 06-Nov 2012
Development of web services to extract data from PURE into School websites will help to cement PURE’s role as the University’s record of its research activity, moving to remove duplication of effort and records.
Current project status
Report Date | RAG | Budget | Effort Completed | Effort to complete |
May 2013 | BLUE | 21.0 days | 19.0 days | 0.0 |
Following the completion of Phase 1 of the RMAS project, the Project Board have approved the Business Case. The following will now be undertaken:
The Procurement phase will be postponed until January 2013, to enable:
A. Detailed analysis of post award processes and systems to be done with Finance teams (RGS and FIS). This will be re-tested against the post-award needs raised by the various stakeholder groups.
Current project status
Report Date | RAG | Budget | Effort Completed | Effort to complete |
January 2013 | BLUE | 0.0 days | 0.0 days | 0.0 |
additional components for the Programme Management (until these enhancements are made to the projects web site)
Project Summary:
Analysis of Resource Usage:
Staff Usage Estimate: 1 days
Staff Usage Actual: 1 days
Staff Usage Variance: 0%
Other Resource Estimate: 1 days
Other Resource Actual: 1 days
Other Resource Variance: 0%
Explanation for variance:
Key Learning Points:
Outstanding issues:
additional compoenents for the Programme Management (until these enhancements are made to the projects web site)
Project Summary:
Analysis of Resource Usage:
Staff Usage Estimate: 1 days
Staff Usage Actual: 1 days
Staff Usage Variance: 0%
Other Resource Estimate: 1 days
Other Resource Actual: 1 days
Other Resource Variance: 0%
Explanation for variance:
Key Learning Points:
Outstanding issues: