This is a process improvement inititiative to improve the following standard question sets used by IS Applications for IT procurements:
- Technology
- Accessibility
- Implementation and Training
- Support and Maintenance
- Product and Organisational Development
Whilst the initiative may review and make recommendations on other relevant questions sets such as Reporting, Document Management, Usability and Systems Administration these will be a secondary focus.
The methodology adopted by the project will be to use as a starting point the question sets and subsequent clarification questions raised by the RMAS Project Team. We will review these question sets with relevant stakeholders from IS and Procurement to develop improved question sets together with supporting guidance for use in future IT procurement projects.
Dave Berry, Head of Development Services, will lead on strands 1 and 2. Mark Ritchie, Head of Project Services, will lead on strands 3, 4 and 5.
The total effort estimated for this initiative across IS Apps is 10 days.