The existing Information Services (IS) branding has been in place, unchanged, since the inception of IS, which has itself changed considerably over the years.

  • Does the IS branding fit the organisation, both as it is now and will develop in the future?
  • Do we need to refresh and relaunch it, or do we need to create a new expression for ourselves, the better to convey to our various customer groups who we are and what we do?
  • Is there, further, a requirement for additional sub-logos for the various service elements that IS comprises?

The Branding sub-group of the ISG Communication Change Theme has been established to consider and, if possible,  resolve these questions, with a view to ensuring a consistent, identity and logo that IS staff and the staff and students of the wider University community will readily identify with.

The ISG Branding Project will comprise a number of phases, the first of which will be the gathering and collation of information from across the University. This will ensure that the project team – drawn from across IS and beyond - achieves a clear understanding of ourselves and the services that we offer, how we are perceived by our customers and the key messages we should like to convey to them.

A successful outcome to the ISG Branding project will see the creation of a consistent and unifying identity for IS, one that creates a clear understanding of us and our services and the ways they can support and enhance teaching, learning and research.

7th February 2017

Current project status

Report Date RAG Budget Effort Completed Effort to complete
July 2017 0.0 days 0.0 days 0.0

Project Info

Information Services Branding
Z. IS Change - Communications and Branding (CCB)
Management Office
Project Manager
Sonia Virdi
Project Sponsor
Jeremy Upton
Current Stage
In Progress
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date


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