The existing Information Services (IS) branding has been in place, unchanged, since the inception of IS, which has itself changed considerably over the years.
- Does the IS branding fit the organisation, both as it is now and will develop in the future?
- Do we need to refresh and relaunch it, or do we need to create a new expression for ourselves, the better to convey to our various customer groups who we are and what we do?
- Is there, further, a requirement for additional sub-logos for the various service elements that IS comprises?
The Branding sub-group of the ISG Communication Change Theme has been established to consider and, if possible, resolve these questions, with a view to ensuring a consistent, identity and logo that IS staff and the staff and students of the wider University community will readily identify with.
The ISG Branding Project will comprise a number of phases, the first of which will be the gathering and collation of information from across the University. This will ensure that the project team – drawn from across IS and beyond - achieves a clear understanding of ourselves and the services that we offer, how we are perceived by our customers and the key messages we should like to convey to them.
A successful outcome to the ISG Branding project will see the creation of a consistent and unifying identity for IS, one that creates a clear understanding of us and our services and the ways they can support and enhance teaching, learning and research.
7th February 2017
Current project status
Report Date | RAG | Budget | Effort Completed | Effort to complete |
July 2017 | 0.0 days | 0.0 days | 0.0 |