Work/Task Breakdown
The project will be set up as two work packages. WP1 - Delivery of First and Second Draft From November through to end of January :
Delivering a first draft IS Standards document to the Argyle House Project Team by 11th December.
Finalisatiing a second draft of the document by 15th January.
WP2 - Delivery of Final Version
As we use the IS Standards document from January through to July : Further refinement of the IS Standards Document A Cost Modelling (spreadsheet) A Design Document for Argyle House derived from the IS Standards (the AH specific subset of design decisions based upon the comprehensive standard document)
A peer review of the final document, using advice of colleagues from UCISA, from Estates, and the use of AUDI.
See the Plan Log for latest project planning.
Resources Skills and Cost
All Edinburgh expertise supplied by ITI, Estates LTW and USD. External contractor as technical author.
See Communication (wiki supporting pages) for Communication Plan.