This project follows on from the Collections Strategy 2022-25 paper submitted to Library Committee on 23rd February 2022, where it was given approval to progress with the Collections Strategy documentation.
With regards to this original paper, it has been through initial consultation with colleagues across L&UC together with USD and has been discussed with selected individual academic colleagues to provide initial feedback and input. Following feedback from Library Committee and College Library Committees in reference to this paper, further consultation will include a student focus group and colleagues from comparator HE libraries as part of this project.
This project has been initiated to support the creation of a new Collections Strategy which is being developed to inform the management and development of Library General Collections over the next 3 years, 2022-2025.
The Collections Strategy will contribute to the following outcomes set out in Strategy 2030
The undergraduate curriculum will support breadth and choice, preparing students, graduates and alumni to make a difference in whatever they do, wherever they do it.
Improved digital outreach will see us enabling global participation in education.
We will have more user-friendly processes and efficient systems to support our work
Our estate will be fit for purpose, sustainable and accessible. We will support learning, research and collaboration with our neighbours, businesses and partners.
The Collections Strategy will include guiding principles and objectives to:
Provide access to a dynamic, evolving and relevant collection of resources in all formats to support teaching, learning and research in the University.
Increase the range of Library resources that students can access and to provide consistent University-wide services to support all University of Edinburgh students and researchers and other user communities
Increase the range and amount of online Library resources, supporting students and researchers wherever they’re located.
Ensure efficient processes to acquire Library resources and to provide user-friendly services to support access to collections.
Ensure the best use of Library spaces in the management and development of physical Library collections.
We are in a rapidly changing collections environment and there are a number of significant factors which have an impact on how we develop our General Collections and therefore on what we include in our Collections Strategy. These include:
Evolving collection formats and e-publication models.
Transition to Open Access.
Curriculum Transformation.
Changing student requirements and expectations.
Evolving research needs.
Collections infrastructure (space, budget, staff resource).
National and international library networks and collaborative services.
In line with the widespread global view of the role of academic libraries, the Collections Strategy will reflect that the value of University of Edinburgh Libraries is located not just in the physical collections in our Library buildings and in the millions of electronic resources made immediately available to members of the University, but also in the services offered to acquire resources on demand and to provide rapid access to electronic and physical resources located elsewhere.
The scope of the COLL002 project will cover the Collections Strategy which pertains to University of Edinburgh General Collections in all formats and at all sites. General Collections are Library resources supporting teaching, learning and research which are not part of the University’s Heritage Collections due to their date of publication, value, provenance, scarcity or local relevance.
The Strategy will include Guiding Principles for General Collections to support the consistent updating, development and implementation of policies and procedures.
It is proposed that the Collections Strategy consists of two main elements: Guiding Principles and Collections Objectives which requires to be completed by July 2023.
Out of scope
The Strategy will not include detailed procedures and policies.
Special Collections are excluded from this strategy document and deemed out of scope.
Objectives and Deliverables
The deliverables are prioritised using the MoSCoW prioritisation method:
M=Must Have; S=Should Have; C=Could Have; W=Want
- M= has to be satisfied for the final solution to be acceptable in terms of delivery dates, compliance, viability etc.
- S= high-priority requirement that should be included if possible -workarounds may be available
- C= a nice-to-have requirement
- W= want but will not be part of this project)
Objectives and Deliverables |
Priority MoSCoW |
Owner |
O1 To review initial feedback from original Collections Strategy paper submission February 2022 |
D1 Review feedback from previous consultations and collate relevant information to use for further consultation work to be completed as part of this project |
Hannah Mateer |
O2 To consult with key user and peer groups to aid and contribute to strategy documentation |
D2 Organise Student User Group consultation and gather feedback – survey, questionnaire or face to face meeting |
L&UC |
D3 Organise Academic User Group consultation and gather feedback – methodology TBC |
L&UC |
D4 Consult with peer Universities and gather feedback |
Hannah Mateer |
D5 Capture feedback and use to inform Strategy documentation: Guiding Principles and Collections Objectives |
Hannah Mateer |
D6 Complete an EQIA assessment | MUST | Project Team |
O3 To create Guiding Principles for General Collections, which will take account of the current context to inform how we develop and manage our collections. Agreed principles will underpin the decisions we make and the actions we take and provide a basis for explaining our approach to our stakeholders.. |
D7 Complete a sector review of similar library strategies |
MUST | Hannah Mateer |
D8 Review notes, feedback and documentation to formulate collection objectives | MUST | Hannah Mateer |
D9 Document appropriate collection objectives within strategy documentation | MUST | Hannah Mateer |
O4 To agree Collections Objectives - these are aligned with the L&UC Strategy 2020-25 objectives and with the Guiding Principles for Collections above: |
D10 Complete a sector review of similar library strategies |
MUST | Hannah Mateer |
D11 Review notes, feedback and documentation to formulate collection objectives | MUST | Hannah Mateer |
D12 Document appropriate collection objectives within strategy documentation | MUST | Hannah Mateer |
O5 To communicate the completed Collections Strategy documentation: Guiding Principles, Collections Objectives and Action Plan |
D13 Produce completed documentation and present to LUC SMT for approval |
Hannah Mateer |
D14 Present Collections Strategy documentation to Collections 2025 Programme Board | MUST | Hannah Mateer |
D15 Agree communication plan for the advertisement of strategy ISG wide / University wide |
Hannah Mateer |
Benefits Description |
Owner |
Effective management of, and access to, General Collections |
Hannah Mateer, Head of Collection Services |
Refined General Collections enabling redevelopment of spaces |
Hannah Mateer, Head of Collection Services |
Success Criteria
Input from Students and Academic colleagues to develop a Collections Strategy to effectively manage and provide access to Library General Collections.
A collections strategy document that is clear and concise and understood by students, academics etc
Strategy Document can be communicated easily and marketed to advertise activity
Guiding Principles that can be utilised by Library staff to develop policy and procedures.
Project Milestones
18-Jan-2023 |
17-Feb-2023 |
17-Mar-2023 |
31-Mar-2023 |
31-Mar-2023 |
28-Apr-2023 |
28-Apr-2023 |
05-May-2023 |
19-May-2023 |
02-Jun-2023 |
23-Jun-2023 |
14-Jul-2023 |
21-Jul-2023 |
31-Jul-2023 |