Implementation Plan for Business Objects

Deployment Plan - Dev

For Universe connections:

The database user account is "BOAIR", which has been created on all database environments.  The database instance is APPSDEV.  Therefore the universe connections are called "appsdev_boair" – this has been created.

Complete 11/02/2014

For Business Objects Universe:

The universe is called "H&S_ Accident Incident Reporting" and this has been exported in Dev directly under the "Corporate Services Group" folder.  

Complete 12/03/2014

For Infospace:

One infospace hanging off the "H&S_ Accident Incident Reporting" universe.  It is called "H&S_ Accident Incident Statistics". 

Complete 12/03/2014

Deployment Plan - Test

For Universe connections:

The database user account is "BOAIR", which has been created on all database environments.  The database instance is APPSTEST.  Therefore the universe connections are called "appstest_boair", this has been created.

Complete 11/02/2014

For Business Objects Universe:

The universe is called "H&S_ Accident Incident Reporting" and this has been exported in Test directly under the "Corporate Services Group" folder. H&S_Accident Incident Reporting.unv Universe requires to be promoted to TEST and re-pointed to appstest_boair

Complete 05/03/2013

Deployment Plan - Test

For Universe connections:

The database user account is "BOAIR", which has been created on all database environments.  The database instance is APPSTEST.  Therefore the universe connections are called "appstest_boair", this has been created.

Complete 11/02/2014

For Business Objects Universe:

The universe is called "H&S_ Accident Incident Reporting" and this has been exported in Test directly under the "Corporate Services Group" folder.  

This "H&S_ Accident Incident Reporting" universe to be deployed to Test as additional fields for insurance have been included.H&S_Accident Incident Reporting.unv Universe requires to be promoted to TEST and re-pointed to appstest_boair

Completed  11/06/2014

For Infospace:

One infospace hanging off the "H&S_ Accident Incident Reporting" universe.  It is called "H&S_ Accident Incident Statistics".

H&S_ Accident Incident Statistics Information View requires to be promoted to Test and re-indexed.

Completed  11/06/2014

Deployment to Live

For Universe connections:

The database user account is "BOAIR", which has been created on all database environments.  The database instance is APPSLIVE ( this may be different on new infrastructure).  Therefore the universe connections are called "appslive_boair", this requires to be created

Completed - 16/06/2014

For Business Objects Universe:

For the live deployment the universe is called "H&S_ Accident Incident Reporting" it should go into the Health and Safety department's area under CSG, i.e. we expect this universe to sit alongside RETAIN.  This "H&S_ Accident Incident Reporting" universe has not been deployed to live previously. H&S_Accident Incident Reporting.unv Universe requires to be promoted to Live and re-pointed to appslive_boair.

Completed - 16/06/2014

For Infospace:

One infospace hanging off the "H&S_ Accident Incident Reporting" universe.  It is called "H&S_ Accident Incident Statistics". 

H&S_ Accident Incident Statistics Information View requires to be promoted to Live and re-indexed.

Update schedule for frequency - daily run

Completed - 16/06/2014

On successful deployment to Live

1.     Please note there is an obsolete universe called "Accident Incident Reporting" but this didn’t comply with a naming standard.  It exists in DEV and TEST and these can now be deleted.

Project Info

Accident & Incident Reporting
CSG Portfolio Projects (OTHCSG)
Project Manager
Karen Stirling
Project Sponsor
Current Stage
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date
Overall Priority

