Priority and Funding
This is partially core and partially sponsor funded project.
The project estimate is for a total of 50 days.
The agreed budget for the Project is 50 days. This consists of 20 days of Core budget in the 2018/19 financial year and an additional 30 days of budget, from the IRM Service Budget in the 2019/20 financial year.
Please see "Resources, Skills and Costs" on the Organisation page for a detailed breakdown.
This is 'Higher' priority project.
Impact and Dependencies
- Failing to deliver an ability to create a consolidated IRM Supported Service would see an opportunity missed to make sure that there is a consistent, agreed approach to Industry Engagement across UoE and could see potential financial benefits from consolidated licensing lost
- Success is dependent on buy in from all interested parties and the support model being adopted once agreed
Project Risks
Ref | Title | Initial Risk | Current Risk | Status | Management Approach | Risk Owner | Date of Last Review | |
1 | Project Budget insufficient to complete the project | AMBER | AMBER | Open | Retain | Dave Berry | 08-Jul-2019 | |
2 | Resource in Service Management | GREEN | GREEN | Open | Reduce | Alex Carter | 08-Jul-2019 | |
3 | Securing Application Development Resource | GREEN | GREEN | Open | Reduce | Paul Mcnulty | 08-Jul-2019 | |
4 | Engagement and buy in of Key Resource | GREEN | AMBER | Open | Reduce | Dave Berry | 08-Jul-2019 | |
5 | Availability of Key Resource | RED | AMBER | Open | Reduce | Dave Berry | 08-Jul-2019 | view |