Report for July 2019
- Report Date
- July 2019
Achievements this Period
- Budget and Project timeline, splitting across financial years, with the Project Sponsor / Programme Manager, agreed
- Resource bookings secured
- Provisional milestones agreed
- Project Brief agreed by both Project Team and WIS
- Business Analysis started
- Project Governance meetings in place
- N/A
Next Steps
- Start working through the Project deliverables:
- Work with EI to map existing processes
- Work with EI to understand training requirements
- Begin requirements workshops with Service Management and EI which will inform the SDD and other supporting documentation such as OLA
Agreed after Planning:
Milestone | Due Date | |
End of Planning | 12-Jul-2019 | |
Map existing EI processes | 02-Aug-2019 | |
Map existing EI training processes / define a Training Strategy | 09-Aug-2019 | |
Determine support & reporting requirements / produce a Service Definition Document | 30-Aug-2019 | |
Establish / agree OLA/SLAs | 30-Aug-2019 | |
Produce an Options Appraisal document | 13-Sep-2019 | |
Produce a paper on CRM's technology utilised, what is to / not be consolidated and associated questions / decisions required | 20-Sep-2019 | |
Delivery | 25-Sep-2019 | |
Closure | 27-Sep-2019 |
- Approved budget
- 50.0 days
- Activity this month
- 10.4 days
- Activity this year
- 20.7 days
- Activity to date
- 20.7 days
- Estimate to complete current year
- 0.0 days
- Estimate to complete future years
- 26.9 days