Report for September 2019
- Report Date
- September 2019
Achievements this Period
- The Project has undergone a restructure with both a new BA (Elaine Wighton) and PM (Kevin Hone) appointed and in place
- Further workshops were undertaken in order to fully understand the EI existing processes for Business, Support and Training
- The Project has been re-planned, with milestones and budget agreed and submitted to WIS for approval 27-Sep-2019
- Risk #5: Availability of Key Resource (AMBER) - The Project has experienced further issues obtaining availability from various key resource, again due to annual leave commitments and illness, as well as leavers. This has impacted the timeline and will need careful review
- Risk #10: Agreement of a Standard Service Definition Across all Customers of IRM Might not be Reached (AMBER) - During initial analysis and in light of the fact that the existing support for the IRM service is not fully defined / documented it would appear that there is a risk that existing Customers of IRM are utilising CRM in different methods, if a common / standard approach cannot be adopted this could have consequences to providing Support
Next Steps
- Continue to work through / look to complete the Project deliverables:
- Begin requirements workshops with Service Management and EI to produce the Service Design Package
- Begin works on the Options Appraisal document / engage with Procurement
- Undertake a DPIA workshop
- Engage with the Accessibility Officer and conduct an Accessibility Review
Agreed / approved at WIS after re-planning (27-Sep-2019):
Milestone | Due Date |
End of Planning | 12-Jul-2019 |
Map existing EI Business, Support and Training processes | 04-Oct-2019 |
Determine support & reporting requirements / produce a Service Design Package | 18-Oct-2019 |
Produce an Options Appraisal document | 01-Nov-2019 |
Complete DPIA and Accessibility Review | 01-Nov-2019 |
Delivery | 08-Nov-2019 |
Produce a paper on CRM's technology utilised, what is to / not be consolidated and associated questions / decisions required | 08-Nov-2019 |
Closure | 15-Nov-2019 |
- Approved budget
- 74.0 days
- Activity this month
- 7.6 days
- Activity this year
- 19.8 days
- Activity to date
- 40.4 days
- Estimate to complete current year
- 31.4 days
- Estimate to complete future years
- 0.0 days