Completion Report
Project Summary
Summarise the project : did it achieve its deliverables and objectives (see project brief and any subsequent changes), scope changes, overall review.
Benefits already enabled by the Project
Future Benefits post-project.
Did the project deliver any innovation amongst these benefits?
Dis the project contribute to any of the Change Management Themes?
Project Manager must add benefits to the ITI Benefits Log (and communicate to the IS Change Management team if appropriate).
Benefits management and realisation will be available on the ITI Sharepoint space.
Analysis of Resource Usage:
Staff Usage Estimate: 1 days
Staff Usage Actual: 1 days
Staff Usage Variance: 0%
Other Resource Estimate: 1 days
Other Resource Actual: 1 days
Other Resource Variance: 0%
Explanation for variance:
Lessons Learned - Issues and Risks
Also - were any innovations tried during the project that failed? Include these in the ITI Lessons Learned Log and communicate these back to the IS Change Management team.
Project Manager must add Lessons Learned to the ITI Lessons Learned log.
Project Audit
Has the Sponsor, Programme Owner or Programme Manager or any key stakeholders requested an audit of the project? If so, please link to audit outcome report.
Outstanding issues