Report for April 17
- Report Date
- April 2017
Achievements in Last Period
- An EdGEL Steering Group meeting of 5 April confirmed deliverables and timelines for all 4 projects (piccl 3 lists the milestone changes for DTI007)
- The deliverable for Gap Analysis was approved 24 April
- The deliverable for the Hackathon plan was approved 24 April
- The Style Guide (O1 D4) deliverable was 30 May (agreed at EdGEL Steering Group of 5 April). However this will be a large piece of work and cannot be delivered by 30 May due to the other work the consultant has to deliver in this timeframe so to give time to implement this piece of work properly the sponsor asked for 7th July to be the deliverable date. This deliverable is aligned to the milestone ‘Framework for delivering EdGEL’ with a due date of 30 June so the milestone date was also moved to 7 July to accommodate the Style Guide deliverable
Next Steps
- EdGEL Website Update review and proposal completed by 19 May. Consultant informs that this likely to finish well before the deadline
- Next milestones will be the end of May
Project is GREEN
30-Jun-2017 |
07-Jul-2017 |
07-Jul-2017 |
17-Jul-2017 |
26-Jul-2017 |
- Approved budget
- 47.0 days
- Activity this month
- 0.0 days
- Activity this year
- 0.0 days
- Activity to date
- 0.0 days
- Estimate to complete current year
- 0.0 days
- Estimate to complete future years
- 0.0 days