As the University continues to respond to the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak a number of planned or future events and conferences have had to be cancelled or postponed due to lockdown and social distancing restrictions. As time progresses however there is a substantial upturn in the number of online initiatives being requested or developed, many as a replacement for in-person physical events or conferences that can no longer be held. There is a significant variety and complexity to events, they may include all: staff meetings, inaugural lectures, conventions, open days, and conferences. The need for the Information Services Group (ISG) to provide up to date, robust guidance and technical support for those developing and undertaking online events has been identified as a priority within the new Adaptation and Renewal structure as part of the Estates and Digital Infrastructure portfolio.
This project has therefore been initiated as part of the new portfolio to progress the creation and roll out of an Online Digital Events service.
It aims to deliver a technology service (technology, guidance and support) which will support any part of the University needing to set-up and hold online events.
This is not a service to manage or run online events, but the provision of platforms, guidance and support to staff across the University needing to set-up and run online and digital events. The key consumers of this service will be University managers, events staff and administration staff.
Current project status
Report Date | RAG | Budget | Effort Completed | Effort to complete |
September 2020 | BLUE | 0.0 days | 0.0 days | 0.0 |