SAM Procurement Project Brief v 1-0




Document Sign-off  



Date signed off


Project Sponsor               

Libby McCue


Service Owner TBC

Graham Newton


Project Manager

Maurice Franceschi


Programme Manager

Maurice Franceschi


Working draft should be version 0.x and 1.x Draft sent for Approval/Review should be version 2.x Approved Project brief should be 3.0 Post-approval changes should be change controlled via Issue Log and Scope Change Page, and version 3.x




The University of Edinburgh has devolved budgeting across Colleges, Schools and Professional Services for IT, including software licensing and devolved software management. While Information Services Group, ISG, hold and administer several software agreements on behalf of the university, there is no single central software register within ISG  and no University wide coordinated software management.

Without a comprehensive register of the software used at the university, demonstrating compliance for any audit will be time consuming and record keeping is inconsistent across the estate which might leave the university vulnerable.   

Departments and schools purchase and administer software and there is no overarching software management process or requirement for a consolidated record of software purchasing. The resourcing and responsibility for such software lies within ISG, Colleges, Schools and Departments, resting on their administration to purchase and record software licenses and their IT support to distribute it. 

There is a lot of duplication of effort. Usually department admin or IS support order licenses and there is a variation in detail of record keeping, which is inaccessible to central ISG support. ISG helpdesk have to send calls to software services or school admin to check on the existence of a user license or the eligibility of a user for site license software.

ITI Software Services keep records of licenses issued and copyright acknowledgements only for the agreements/deals they administer. The team rely on other IS teams and university IT support staff to distribute software and comply with licensing.

Looking forward,  should there be institutional agreement - there is potential to leverage a single software asset management process – supported by SAM software – to provide a central register of software licensing, to leverage institutional cost saving through additional bulk purchasing/site licensing and the ability to redeploy unused licenses across the University. 



Whole university for software administered by IS. The project will deliver a platform readily available for use by Colleges without the requirement for unification of processes in the immediate future.

The project should be capable of delivering a unified licence management process across UoE.

Changes to Scope will be logged on the Issue Log and also recorded on the Project Scope Change page.  

Out of Scope

The project will not replace College processes. However the project will provide flexibility for Colleges to achieve similar benefits for Schools and the College as delivered by this project. 


Objectives and Deliverables and Success Criteria



Description of the Objective

Success Criteria


Description of the Deliverables needed to achieve the objective


Objective 1

Procure a SAM System by 31st August

Successful procurement, product and supplier selected, legal contract in place

Deliverable D1.1

ITT prepared and send to supplier


Deliverable D1.2

Contract awarded and T&C’s agreed


Objective 2

Configure a SAM System by 30th November  

System has data and integration in place to start working

Deliverable D2.1



Deliverable D2.2



Objective 3

Set up a New Service by 30th November  

New service with SO and SOM and SLA Template in place

Deliverable D3.1

Service ‘wrap’ prepared for support, helpdesk, USD, user community, administrators


Deliverable D3.2

SLA / OLA and supplier support in place


Objective 4

Improve our SAM process for ISG

An improved measure of SAM process maturity

Deliverable D4.1

Benchmark current maturity, and repeat maturity assessment in 18 months

This will be a post-project activity

Deliverable D4.2

Set out new SAM processes, agreed with ISG, and implement


Objective 5



Deliverable D5.1



Deliverable D5.2



Objective 6



Deliverable D6.1



Deliverable D6.2




This table can be used through Business and Technical Analysis, Design, Build, and Testing/UAT as a Traceability Matrix to ensure the project brief project objectives and deliverables are followed through.




Requirements are aligned with objectives and deliverables, and also the opportunity to realise the benefits.





Set By

Requirement 1 delivered by Objective 1 and its deliverables

Purchase a SAM system


Graham Newton

Requirement 2 delivered by Objectives 2 and 3 and their deliverables

Have a SAM Service ready for end of 2018


Potentially we may move this out to a separate implementation project – but this still remains a deliverable that is not guaranteed to be achievable by end of August




Graham Newton

Requirement 3

Improve our SAM processes, with new software underpinning


Frances Provan

Requirement 4

Deliver Hardware Asset Management


Fraser Muir







1.            A software asset management system, SAM, is one of the foundation of ITIL IT service management and the configuration database 2.            A SAM would permit the coordination of licenses across the university, cost effective by coordinating procurement with bulk purchases or site licenses to save money.  A SAM would permit the reassigning of licenses which are no longer being used across the estate.

3.            A SAM would also aid the university's software license compliance.

4.            It would save admin time for the college, streamlining the order process and effort for the IT support services in the process of software deployment  

5.            The trend in software houses is towards named user licenses administered through license portals – an effort intense process without a central SAM



Project will have these governance roles by default. Delete/Add/Change as appropriate.

Portfolio Governance



Division / Group / Team / College / School and Title

Project Sponsor               

Libby McCue

ISG Corporate

Programme Owner

Graham Newton


Programme Manager

Maurice Franceschi


Portfolio Owner               

Tony Weir


Portfolio Manager

Maurice Franceschi


Service Owner

Expected to be Graham Newton




Project Board

No project board for this project



Division / Group / Team / College / School and Title

Project Sponsor               



Senior User       



Senior Supplier






Other Board Members





Zero tolerance on Cost. Any estimate of cost above the set budget this must be escalated to Sponsor and Director. Any significant lack of quality should be anticipated and prevented by the procurement process, but if one occurs then this must be escalated to Director. 1 month tolerance on key milestones


Resources Skills and Cost




The budget is £300,000 capital – to purchase, install and commission the service.. Any estimate of cost above this must be escalated to Sponsor and Director.  

Priority and Funding  

Funding is confirmed.

Portfolio Priority is Normal.




Project Team

The project team : who manages the team, lead and other technical people, business analysts, lead and other representatives, people in other areas of the University who will be involved in analysis, testing, acceptance and service handover.  



Division / Group / Team / College / School and Title

Project Manager

Maurice Franceschi


Solution Architect


Likely to be the Supplier

Solution Development


Likely to be the Supplier

Business Lead

Frances Provan


College Representatives

Gareth Poxon Fraser Muir Sheila Fraser





Finance Representative

Libby McCue


Production Support Rep

Stefan Kaempf

IS Applications

Technical Review

Vlad Zirojevic Graham Newton


Infrastructure QA


Enterprise, Research Services, Netwoerk





Quality of Project and Deliverables / Key Project Milestones  


Sign-Off means

Date of Milestone


Who signs-off (Accountability)

Start of Project           

Project can begin, is in line with Programme and Portfolio priority, has resource



Sponsor, Programme Manager

End of Planning

Project can begin, is in line with Programme and Portfolio priority, has resource



Sponsor, Project Manager

Recommendations Report

We have a chosen route to market



Sponsor, Project Manager, Procurement Officer

Tender Published

Requirements complete



Sponsor, Project Manager, Procurement Officer

Tender Replies Received

Responses Evaluation begins



Procurement Office

Award to Supplier

Evaluation and Award



Sponsor, Project Manager, Procurement Officer

Contract T&C

Contract, SLA in place



Sponsor, Project Manager, Procurement Officer

Configuration and Service Readiness

Initial setup done, Data captured, Service can Launch



Sponsor, Project Manager, Service Owner, Service Operations Manager


Project can close



Sponsor, PM


Other Milestones as Appropriate will be added to the plan as it is refined

End of Analysis

quality and completeness of analysis

business analyst / business lead / senior user / PM

End of Design

quality and completeness of design

technical lead / senior supplier/ business lead / senior user/ PM

End of UI Design

quality of UI - to show we have designed an interface that is usable, accessible, promotes equality and diversity

technical lead / senior supplier/ business lead / senior user

End of Build

quality and completeness of build

technical lead / senior supplier/ PM


overall quality of deliverable, UAT has been passed, Intergation testing successful, all components technically checked  - fit for delivery to live service

technical lead / senior supplier /business lead / senior user /business analyst /PM


Security QA

satisfies security

Section Head

Branding QA

for new, upgraded services, sign-off that branding guidelines for ISG, University, school/college has been followed by the project team

PM / and as appropriate ...


UoE C&M, college C&M and (pending) ISG Branding Team

Design UI QA

to show we have built an interface that is usable, accessible, promotes equality and diversity

Sponsor and Service Owner


For new services or services undergoing substantial change, there must be an Equality Impact Assessment completed, validated by equality office and deposited on eqia website

PM/ Service Owner / Equality Officer


Check if your project needs to undergo a Privacy Impact Assessment

PM / Service Owner / CISO


Set the appropriate date for informing GoCAB of the release/change to service



Project Stakeholders

The project will consult with representatives from all ISG Divisions, Finance, Infosec, the three colleges, CSG and USG.



We assume that the LOT 5 framework will provide market leaders. We assume that a cloud based solution can integrate with our infrastructure, so will accept cloud based bids.



We rely on the supplier’s knowledge and experience to help set up and configure the system



Risk that the consultant will be from one of the suppliers bidding, so need to manage but openness and procurement oversight.  


The timeline for having the system by start if term is tight.


Previous Lessons Learned

The project will review DTP002 project for any useful products or lessons.





SharePoint will be used for sharing, emails and meetings for outward communications, as well as our college and other area representatives.


Run / Grow / Transform


Alignment with Strategic Vision 

This project will deliver benefits, change and innovations in alignment with the IS Strategic Vision and the University's Strategic Vision for 2025. ** Check the Annual Plan on ITI Sharepoint to see how the project's deliverables and benefits have been aligned to Run/Grow/Transform and the Strategic Themes **

Student Experience


Student experience and the unique Edinburgh offer


Online and distance learning leaders


Library national and international leadership


Research and Innovation


Research IT and Data Sciences




Collaborative leadership  and social responsibility


Service Excellence


Process improvement, efficiency, quality and best practice


Long-term IS strategic planning and linked professional services               


Information Security



University's Strategic Vision for 2025 the main elements of the vision that this projects contributes have a commentary.

Vision Themes


A unique Edinburgh offer for all of our students               


all of our undergraduates developed as student/ researchers with clear, supported pathways through to Masters and PhD


all our students offered the opportunity to draw from deep expertise outside their core discipline


a highly satisfied student body with a strong sense of community.


Strong and vibrant communities within and beyond the University – making the most of our unique offer of world-leading thinking and learning within one of the world’s most attractive cities


Strong and vibrant communities within and beyond the University – making the most of our unique offer of world-leading thinking and learning within one of the world’s most attractive cities


A larger, more international staff who feel valued and supported in a University that is a great and collegial place to work, develop and progress 


More postgraduate students – underpinned by the best support in the sector to ensure we attract the brightest and best regardless of ability to pay


A strong culture of philanthropic support focussed especially on our students and on outstanding research capabilities.


Many more students benefiting from the Edinburgh experience (largely or entirely) in their own country – supported by deep international partnerships and world- leading online distance learning


Sustained world leading reputation for the breadth, depth and interdisciplinary of our research supported by strong growth in research funding and strong international partnerships – drawing from well-established and less well developed sources

An estate that matches expectations, responds flexibly to changing student and staff needs, and showcases the University


A deeper and earlier collaboration with industry, the public sector and the third sector – in terms of research; knowledge exchange; and in giving our students the best possible set of skills for their future




IS Change Programme - How will this project's Deliverables and Benefits promote the Themes 

Indicate if the project deliverables and benefits contribute to the themes with the IS Change Programme.


IS Change Programme Theme

How the project deliverables and benefits contribute to change

Project Management


Working Together


Standards and Technical Leadership


Staff Learning and Development             


Service Based Culture


Equality and Diversity


Partnerships and Philanthropy


Flexible Resourcing


Communication and Branding





Service Excellence - Information and Security

This project will undertake GDPR assessment.

This project will be reviewed by InfoSec.


Service Excellence - Process Improvement, efficiency, quality and best practice (Social Responsibility and Sustainability)

Not Applicable.



Digital Transformation

Moving from a myriad of manual procedures to a single digital solution.



IS Change Programme - How will the execution of this project promote the Themes


IS Change Programme Theme

How the project process will contribute to change

Project Management


Working Together

X need to work with finance and technical folk in colleges

Standards and Technical Leadership


Staff Learning and Development             


Service Based Culture

X offering colleges and support areas new ways to manage and control at local levels and reduce load on individuals

Equality and Diversity


Partnerships and Philanthropy


Flexible Resourcing        


Communication and Branding

X potentially some work for our IS design colleagues




Project Sponsor – Project Responsibilities

The sign-off milestones are associated with specific responsibilities of the Sponsor role.

This sets out the Sponsor responsibilities on this project - please review and amend as appropriate for this project and agree with Sponsor


Start of project – Explicitly Included in the Initiation Milestones Sign-Off

  1. Negotiates and confirms funding for the project
  2. Ensures the project is in line with organisational strategy and priorities
  3. Chairs the project board, appoints its members and ensures they are effective
  4. Advises the project manager of protocols, political risks, issues and sensitivities
  5. Makes the project visible within the organisation 


End of Planning – Explicitly Included in the Planning Milestone Sign-Off

  1. Works with the project manager to develop the Project Brief
  2. Ensures a realistic project plan is produced
  3. Sets tolerance levels for escalation to themselves and to the project board
  4. Ensures that project team have representation and engagement from users and suppliers
  5. Helps identify Stakeholders
  6. Approves Communication Plan
  7. Agrees on frequency of meetings with Project Manager
  8. Agrees of frequency of meetings with Project Team
  9. Agrees on milestones and who signs-off


Development / Execution – ongoing

  1. Provides strategic direction and guidance to the project manager as directed by the Board
  2. Approves changes to plans, priorities, deliverables, schedule
  3. Encourages stakeholder involvement and maintains their ongoing commitment
  4. Chief risk taker
  5. Makes go/no-go decisions
  6. Communicates change in organisational structure, priorities, business benefits or funding
  7. Helps the project manager in conflict resolution
  8. Helps resolve inter project boundary issues
  9. Gains agreement among stakeholders when differences of opinion occur
  10. Assists the project by exerting organisational authority and the ability to influence


Delivery – Explicitly Included in the Delivery Sign-Off

  1. Ensures that Service is ready for change


Closure - Explicitly Included in the Closure Milestone Sign-Off

  1. Helps with publicity for the change delivered
  2. Ensure that benefits will be managed, measured and realised post-project
  3. Evaluates the project’s success upon completion
File dtp016_-_project_brief_3.0.docx41.36 KB

Project Info

Software Assset Management Procurement
ITI - Desktop Services (DST)
Management Office
Project Manager
Maurice Franceschi
Project Sponsor
Libby McCue
Current Stage
Project Classification
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date
Overall Priority