Completion Report
Project Summary:
The objectives for achieved under this project are:
- To provide essential support documentation including Technical Architecture Document (TAD), System Description Document (SDD) and a Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plan. These will all assist in ensuring that Applications Support have all the knowledge to fully support the system.
- Migrate to a IS Applications Supported Infrastructure, with inherent backup and redundancy in place, without jeopardising performance of the service
- To Seggregate Dev, Test and Live Services
- To complete the task identified as part of the STU220 closure review
No objectives are outstanding.
Analysis of Resource Usage:
Staff Usage Estimate: 69 days
Staff Usage Actual: 76.5 days
Staff Usage Variance: 11%
Other Resource Estimate: 0 days
Other Resource Actual: 0 days
Other Resource Variance: 0%
Explanation for variance:
The main reasons for the increase in estimate were due to the protracted nature of this project, as it has been de-prioiritised at serveral points so that more business critical work could be progressed and the change in solution. Originally it was envisaged that the project would move to Oracle and design work was carried out to facilitate that, however, when the new SQL Server infrastructure was launched it was decided to retain the existing technology.
Key Learning Points:
- Using Applications Management to carry out peer testing was a useful exercise both in terms of quality of testing and as an exercise to familarise support with the whole application - this wouldn't work on the majority of project but was useful in this instance as Application Support had been "informally" supporting the LMS while it was still on ECA servers
- The decision to retain SQL Server was a long drawn out discussion that was mostly led by concern that the old infrastructure would not handle load - In future infrastructure ideally should not dictate solution.
- Change in sponsors and business reps should be avoided - bit is a standard lesson learned but the protracted nature of this project did mean that serveral different view points lead us in different directions based on business need at the time
Outstanding issues: