This project supports the staff volunteer network of Energy Coordinators


Since 2006, the University of Edinburgh has maintained a network of staff volunteer Energy Coordinators. Due to the collegiate nature of the institution, having a clear staff volunteer role around this issue enables the Department for Social Responsibility & Sustainability to effectively communicate messages and engage colleagues in the Energy Programme.


This project refers to the Department for Social Responsibility & Sustainability role in delivering the Sustainable Campus Fund, which is a multi-stakeholder and cross-department initiative.


  • Support the Energy Coordinator network through the regular provision of quarterly workshops, visual engagement materials, and relevant information in a quarterly newsletter, as well as strengthening network links to encourage best practice sharing and peer to peer support
  • Develop an online system to support Energy Coordinator activity through evidence based gamification and precise actions to be taken, quantified in carbon savings where possible
  • Encourage Energy Coordinator participation in other SRS Programmes to maximise the impact of the network e.g. Sustainability Awards, applying to Sustainable Campus Fund


  • Number of Energy Coordinators increase to 300 by 2020
  • Quarterly workshops and newsletters on relevant themes that best enhance Energy Coordinator activity enabling balance of determined actions and flexibility for creativity in different areas
  • Energy Coordinators use materials and carry out walkarounds of their areas, providing feedback to SRS to enable monitoring and evaluation
  • Online system providing specific guidance on actions for Energy Coordinators informing them of relative impacts

Success Criteria

  • Energy Coordinator network strong in numbers and in expertise, engaged through peer to peer support in addition to support provided by the Department for SRS
  • Evidence demonstrating impact of the Energy Coordinator network

Resources, Skills and Costs

  • Engagement Manager staff time for programme management and monitoring and evaluation of impact, including development of resourcing for the project
  • SRS Projects Coordinator time for development and provision of training and support materials, workshops and newsletters, as well as research and development around impact of specific actions taken
  • Communications team time for development and promotion of engagement materials, and construction and maintenance of online system to provide more precise guidance and monitoring of Energy Coordinator activity
  • Cost of materials, in particular energy monitors, tinytags, and other tools to enable Energy Coordinators to perform their role
  • Cost of catering for Energy Coordinator workshops
  • Engagement and Communications teams’ time for recruitment and follow-up with new Energy Coordinators[LC1] .

Project Stakeholders

  • Energy Office – Medium interest/medium influence – Require shared view of network and support for aims
  • Estates – Low interest/medium influence – Require information and contacts to be passed to Energy Coordinators as necessary to support their activity
  • Energy Coordinators – High interest/medium influence – Require engagement and interest from the network

Activities 2017/18



Energy Coordinator quarterly workshops planning, delivery and evaluation


Energy Coordinator quarterly newsletter produced and circulated


Energy Coordinator individual support meetings

Ongoing, various

Develop specific online tool for Energy Coordinators to build on specific guidance

Q2 for launch January 2018

Provide tools and resources to support Energy Coordinators in their roles




Current project status

Report Date RAG Budget Effort Completed Effort to complete
November 2019 0.0 days 0.0 days 0.0

Project Info

EEC2 Energy Coordinator Network Support
SRS - Energy Engagement and Communications (EEC)
Project Manager
Aisling O'Reilly
Project Sponsor
Michelle Brown
Current Stage
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date
Overall Priority


Not available.

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