Project will all have these governance roles by default.
Role | Name | Division / Group / Team / College / School and Title |
Project Sponsor | Graeme Wood |
Enterprise Services Manager |
Project Manager | Kirsty Waddell | Project Manager, ITI |
Programme Manager | Maurice Franchesci | Project Services |
Portfolio Owner | Tony Weir | Director of ITI |
Portfolio Manager | Maurice Franchesci | Project Services |
Project Board
Role | Name | Division / Group / Team / College / School and Title |
Executive | ||
Senior User (may be the Executive) | ||
Senior Supplier | ||
Other board members | ||
c |
Planned Project Timelines
At the time of writing the timelines are subject to approval of the £250K funding from the Campus Sustainability Fund and the report from Aecom being available by the end of April.
Resources Skills
Project Team
Role | Name | Division / Group / Team / College / School and Title |
Project Manager | Kirsty Waddell | Project Services, ITI |
Technical Lead and other technicians | Paul Hutton | Datacentre Manager |
Business Lead(s) | Robert MacGregor | Aecom |
Rab Calder | Energy & Utilities Manager | |
Sheila Scott | Building Services Manager | |
Calum Muir | Building Services Engineer |
Tolerances will be agreed via the Project Working Group/ITI Director once a decision is taken as to which solution will be used. It is recommended that the following approach is taken:
Type Tolerance Action
Time Change to major milestone </> 15 days. review/approve.
Scope All non-trivial changes. review/approve.
Risk Likelihood/impact > medium. review/advise.
Milestone | Sign-Off means | Date of Milestone | Who signs-off (Accountability) |
Start of Project |
Project can begin, is in line with Programme and Portfolio priority, has resource |
Add initial planning dates for milestones |
Sponsor, Programme Manager |
End of Planning |
Project Brief, Plan, Estimated Budget, Risks - all approved. Project has resource approved by section head for the estimated effort. Project has funding for effort for other costs. |
Sponsor, PM, Programme Manager, Section Head(s) |
Communication Plan | If not completed by end of planning then indicate when planning done | PM | |
End of Analysis | quality and completeness of analysis | business analyst/business lead / senior user/ PM | |
End of Design | quality and completeness of design | technical lead / senior supplier/ business lead / senior user/ PM | |
End of UI Design | quality of UI - to show we have designed an interface that is usable, accessible, promotes equality and diversity | technical lead / senior supplier/ business lead / senior user | |
End of Build | quality and completeness of build | technical lead / senior supplier/ PM | |
Acceptance | overall quality of deliverable, UAT has been passed, Intergation testing successful, all components technically checked - fit for delivery to live service |
technical lead / senior supplier /business lead / senior user /business analyst /PM
Security QA | deliverable satisifies security | Section Head | |
Branding QA | for new, upgraded services, sign-off that branding guidelines for ISG, University, school/college has been followed by the project team |
PM but UoE C&M, college C&M and (pending) ISG Branding Team also should sign-off |
Design UI QA | to show we have built an interface that is usable, accessible, promotes equality and diversity | Sponsor and Service Owner | |
EqIA | For new services or services undergoing substantial change, there must be an equality impact assement completed, validated by equality office and deposited on eqia website | PM or Service Owner Equality Officer | |
Delivery |
Change to Service can proceed |
Sponsor, PMservice owner/ service operations manager (helpline) |
Handover to Support | support can take over running of the Service | service owner/ service operations manager (helpline) | |
Closure |
Project can close |
Sponsor, PM |
All risks will be logged on the project website/risk log and will be scored (in keeping with existing practice) on a 1 to 4 basis in terms of probability and impact (1-unlikely to 4- almost certain/1-low to 4-critical). The risk register will be reviewed regularly, owners will be asked if the risk has changed, for progress against any required mitigation activity and should risk tolerance be breached it will be escalated to the Project Board.
All issues which materialise, or any other event that has a less than trivial impact on the execution of the project will be logged an issue on the project website/issue register. Ownership will be assigned and analysis with recommended options/recommended actions detailed. Issues will also be reviewed regularly and escalated should the impact be deemed significant enough for Project Board action. The project manager will ensure all changes to cost/timeline/scope must be recorded in the issue log, and reflected in milestone long, budget and estimations, and the project Scope Change log.
Previous Lessons Learned
The project is dependent on the following:
1. Funding approved from the Campus Sustainability Fund
2. Good working collaboration between all parties i.e. ISG, Estates and Aecom
3. Comprehensive recommendation report being agreed and planned
4. Resources being available as and when required
The project will be managed by exception and in line with current best practice. High level oversight will be maintained by the following body:
Role Name Div./Group/Team/Area
Project Sponsor Graeme Wood Enterprise Services Manager
Portfolio Manager Maurice Franceschi Project Services
Programme Manager Maurice Franceschi Project Services
Project Manager Kirsty Waddell Project Manager
The Project Working Group will be held weekly (or as appropriate as the project kicks off) and will review/approve/reject any changes to major milestones or scope in line with agreed tolerances. Any risk that breaches agreed impact tolerances will also be reviewed alongside the expected benefits.
The Project Working Group will consist of the following members:
Chair: Kirsty Waddell – Project Manager
Graeme Wood – Sponsor (Optional)
Paul Hutton – Datacentre Manager/Technical Lead
Rab Calder – Energy & Utilities Manager
Sheila Scott – Building Services Manager
Calum Muir – Building Services Engineer
Robert MacGregor – Associate Director, Aecom