Completion Report

Project Summary:


  1. Deliver MeterRing and Dynamat to an IS Apps managed supported infrastructure  
  2. Ensure that OPTIMA can continue to Send and Receive data on the new/changed server

 Meeting the above deliverables has enabled Optima, MeterRing and Dynamat to continue running  as at present on a supported IS Apps infrastructure. In addiition the systems will now be run in a secure and supported IS Apps infrastructure with automatic backups


Analysis of Resource Usage:

Staff Usage Estimate: 49 days

Staff Usage Actual: 49 days

Staff Usage Variance: 0%

Other Resource Estimate: 0 days

Other Resource Actual: 0 days

Other Resource Variance: 0%

Explanation for variance:

All details of project changes and issues affecting scope, time and cost (resource days) are covered in the Project Issues and Change Control Log (PICCL) .

Project proceeded well, but had to be replanned a number of times due mainly to conflicting priorities and availability  of resources within Dev Tech, Business Area and the external supplier Optima.

  • Scope has not been changed.
  • Amended milestones changes (see sentence above)
  • Resource time increased due to elongated time of project.


For more detail regarding the PICCL numbers detailed, please refer to the PICCL Log

  • Amended milestones changes 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 11 and 13
  • Resource time increased changes 4, 7 and 14 due to elongated time of project.

Key Learning Points:

Whilst discussing procedures associated with the scheduled monthly Windows o/s patching, it was necessary to have an understanding of the business requirements to minimise any loss of data during this operation (as there is the requirement to manually log in to re-start the application). Through discussion with the business and ITI Architecture a regular re-boot schedule was agreed. 

  • Change control process has been agreed with E&B and the external suppliers have also been contacted.
  • Dev Tech rebooted the LIVE server before the go live date and ADC does automatically restart. Dev Tech has also logged off the server (which also stops the applications) then back in and ADC automatically without any problems.
  • Good working relationships  between Dev Tech and E&B greatly assisted whilst troubleshooting issues.


Possible Future changes for a future project

  • We are not running the latest version of Dynamat, however upgrading Dynamat was not within the scope of this project.
  • Process requires to be put in place to ensure that all pc's and Optima Services are connected to the LIVE environment at the point of go-live. This will avoid confusion in the future.

Outstanding issues:

These are not Outstanding Issues but are Post Deployment requirements

  • Disconnect the old system - Completed 24-May-13
  • Stop updating TEST with the meter updates to ensure that Meter readings will now only be updated in LIVE. Completed  4-Jun-13
  • Correction to Technical Diagram re Dynamat, diagram updated (an arrow was in the wong place). Documentation updated - completed 4-Jun-13
  • No further issues and requirements remain


- No Outstanding Issues

- All Post Deployment Issues completed

Project Info

Energy Recording Systems Upgrade
Z. Estates Systems & Technology Maintenance (EST) - Closed
Project Manager
Anne Mathison
Project Sponsor
Geoffrey Turnbull
Current Stage
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date
Programme Priority
Overall Priority