DSOR and Closure complete
Items finished 4/06/13.
- Alister and Ron Stopped updating TEST 10 am 4-Jun
- Anne M Sent Anne F the Roles and Responsibilities document on project website - 4-Jun
- Dougie gave Alister the 6 client pc details and Alister updated the wiki with them. One new client pc is due to be set up.
- Georgina asked about the TAD diagram on 7-Feb-13
Georgina fed a comment back from the previous TAD EST054 that one supplier in 2008 didn't feel it was correct, however the EST072 diagram is for the 3 suppliers
Copy of TAD provided - now on leave. Comment of technical diagram from previous project fed back to Pride to review and the comment was from 1 supplier in 2008 and TAD is a diagram of all 3 suppliers
Correction to Technical Diagram re Dynamat, diagram updated (an arrow was in the wong place). Documentation updated - completed 4-Jun-13
(Georgina queried Dynamat re the way the diagram shows Dynamat's connection to the Ethernet system had changed. -The connection to the Databird receiver/ logger is via the ‘serial to TCP/IP convertor box’ and not direct to the Databird receiver/ logger as shown - Is Paul referring to the connection from/labelled as EMT Office in the diagram? From our Windows Server the diagram already depicts what Paul describes below? In that case it’s simply a matter of changing where the arrow is pointing on that connection - yes the arrow is in the wrong place! - Diagram corrected.)