Estates and Buildings currently utilise the heavily customised EBIS system environment to manage all financial management aspects of the business activity related to stock control, purchase ordering, purchase/sales invoice creation/processing, recharges, and property and lease management, project/programme financial management. This functionality is business critical to Estates and Buildings.  Whilst the current system has proved to be successful in the past, the ever increasing reliance on external vendors and associated costs in maintaining / upgrading the system is imposing unacceptable delays in implementing on-going change. The revised E&B/IS approach to system requirements is that wherever possible it will be preferable to utilise “out of the box” systems rather than relying on bespoke work to meet our requirements. In addition, the current system does not meet current requirements for capital projections plan reporting (between £60m-£100m on capital and £40M on revenue)

This project will enable Estates and Buildings to establish their functional requirements in relation to the all the financial management aspects of the business associated with; 

  •  process and manage Estates and Buildings financial transactions
  • support its current and future business requirements
  • deliver the required financial management information

This project forms the first of a multi-year, multi-phase process that will encompass

  • The production of a full business requirements specification
  • Complete an options appraisal with regards to the existing in-house systems of WebCentral and eFinancials
  • Develop a business case based on the options appraisal that will meet the business needs

Depending on the outcomes of this project will determine if the further multi-year projects are required regarding

  • relating to possibly application development / or procurement,
  • implementation





Current project status

Report Date RAG Budget Effort Completed Effort to complete
October 2014 BLUE 136.0 days 116.0 days 0.0

Project Info

Estates and Buildings Department Financial Management Process Review
Z. Estates Systems & Technology Maintenance (EST) - Closed
Project Manager
Andrew Stewart
Project Sponsor
Maureen Masson
Current Stage
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date
Programme Priority
Overall Priority

Project Dashboard

Project journal

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