A number of years ago, Finance introduced the Student Finance Channel, allowing students to view and pay invoices online.  The channel has been very successful, with many millions taken each year.  Finance would now like to make use of this functionality to enable staff to view and pay invoices for services provided internally, such as Parking, or Sports and Exercise.

Added to this is the need to cope with the growing requirement for students to pay deposits or for international students to pay monies prior to an invoice being received from EUCLID.  This work is required in order to deliver part of the scope of ‘Online Student Registration and Self Service’, a project also submitted as part of the 11/12 planning process.  Payment on account would allow students/staff to make payments if invoices have not been raised yet e.g. for fee payments where often the invoice is not received until after the student has started.

The proposal to undertake this is supported by CHSS as it would allow deposit information required by the UK Border Agency to be available earlier.

It would also be preferable to provide a greater level of detail on the Student Finance Channel so students (and staff) can identify if a transaction is a credit note, or payment.

  • To improve the existing Student Finance Channel, removing known bugs
  • To enable students to make a payment prior to receipt of invoice
  • To enable staff to pay bills via MyEd


  • Updated Student Finance Channel
  • Staff functionality within MyEd Finance Channel


N.B. this project was started before the move to the new projects website, so documentation is only shown from 6th August 2012.   Documentation prior to this can be found on the old site at http://www.projects.ed.ac.uk/areas/finance/general/FIN076/index.shtml

Current project status

Report Date RAG Budget Effort Completed Effort to complete
November 2013 BLUE 0.0 days 0.0 days 0.0

Project Info

Student Finance Channel - Further Developments
Finance (FIN)
Project Manager
Susan Ridder-Patrick
Project Sponsor
Elizabeth Welch
Current Stage
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date
Overall Priority

Project Dashboard

Project journal

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