Project journal

Title Description Author Post date
w/e 18 Jan 13




18/1Submitted closure to WIS (25 Jan13)  on  18 January 2013 - returned as Defeng Ma wished to add comments. Comments received 30 Jan and added and rebsubmitted 31 Jan (for WIS 1 Feb 13)
17/1Joyce and Anne verbal approval to closure - will follow up with emails.


Chased up replies to completion report and closure. Joyce off sick so not able to sign off closure


Sue Woodger 17-Jan-2013
w/e 21 Dec 12



18/12Clive gave me his verbal approval to closure of project. Have attached his completion queestionnaire to completion report

Piccl put for revised milestone for closure There were issues with the final batch with 2 accounts and amendments were required. These have now been applied today and sent to Finance to check. Once okayed the closure report can be circulated


Sue Woodger 17-Jan-2013
w/e 16 Nov 12



Sent reminder to see where we were

14/11Anne says the jira is still with her – will try to get done today – definitely this week
14/11Another piccl for revised milestones in
14/1116.20: Batch 13 in test - Jira passed to Joyce for checking


Sue Woodger 17-Jan-2013
w/e 9 Nov 12
7 NovClive sent batch 13 to Anne to go into test
5 NovClive arranging with Joyce when to go through items


Sue Woodger 17-Jan-2013
w/e 2 Nov 2012

Confirmed to team lookinng at Joyces document:

If the item is correct in test can we please have it promoted to live

If its correct in live but wrong on test can we please leave as is - there is no money in the budget left for us to fix test - we need to concentrate on getting live correct

 And if its wrong in test and live make corrections


1/11Clive off sick


Sue Woodger 17-Jan-2013
w/e 14 Sep 12


Asked Joyce how she got on with list and if we can come over to go through the errors to see what is to be fixed

Joyce has ABS with her so Monday would be best for us to go over

No reply re acterr run date


Joyce ran off acterr report – all batch 11 showing – expected as not put through but also batch 10 - checked with Anne and batch 10 has been committed. Cannot understand how they are showing. Noticed report dated 6 Sept  - went back to Joyce to ask if right date had been run. Also listed other items that were showing on report:

Sue Woodger 10-Sep-2012
w/e 26 Oct 12



Phoned Joyce re final 2 items. She will have them ready by tomorrow night. She had been speaking to Anne and just wanted to double check the last 10 items that were okayed in test before they go to live  (included the 2 outstanding items) – taking her time with the check to ensure everything is okay. She informed that Anne will be ready to put to live when Joyce

Put in piccl for revised milestones

Sue Woodger 25-Oct-2012
w/e 19 Oct 12

16/10 Clive informed me that Joyce still held up with auditors but hopes to have outstanding items sorted this week to pass to Clive

Sue Woodger 25-Oct-2012
w/e 12 Oct 12



Joyce got in touch when I was on holiday (4/10 – a problem with 2 of the reconciliations Students S06 - 0951274 and S07- 1063788).

Spoke to Joyce 8/10 – these items have zero gross accounts and she cannot trace them back to what they should have been. I took of all the changes made since batch one which shows the original amounts. Took these over to Joyce 9/10 – this will allow her to reconcile the accounts.


Sue Woodger 25-Oct-2012
w/e 5 Oct 12



From Clive

I've had a look and 1100628 is not in batch 12.  It is one that we talked about when I was preparing batch 12, but Joyce said that further changes were required, so I did not include it.

 So, I think that batch 12 can run into LIVE as it is and the corrections for 1100628, when they're available, will form batch 13.




Sue Woodger 25-Oct-2012
w/e 28 Sep 12



From Joyce : 1100628 will need more time transactions missing



Batch 12 to Apps Man to put into test


Sue Woodger 25-Oct-2012
w/e 21 Sep 12


20/9 Joyce reconciled 1063788 and sent back to Clive with what amendments to make

20/9  Joyce has been at the dentist am. She having issues with one item – 1063788- was originally in batch 1 but she cannot put back to original issue - sent the changes in this batch to Joyce to see if she can reconcile

19/9 Meeting with Defeng and Rhian over time to complete the project

18/9 Clive has some queries which I said to put back to Joyce17/9

17/9 Went to see Joyce with Clive to look at remaining errors

Sue Woodger 25-Oct-2012
w/e 7 Sep 12

Joyce produced acterr reports again for test with 56 errors which far exceeded the 11 errors she had produced the previous week.  After some investigation I found that not all of these were errors on live. Some of the account numbers were new so were not items that had been promoted to test but were incorrect. I discovered that Finance were not actually checking the actual issues that were promoted to test but were instead running the acterr report to see what errors still remained.

Sue Woodger 10-Sep-2012
w/e 31 Aug 12

Rhian took the PPBR/ASOR meeting for me on 31 Aug as I was off sick. Test was not signed off as there were still some outstanding items that were wrong. Was informed that these will be signed off on Wednesday

Sue Woodger 10-Sep-2012
w/e 24 Aug 12


9.23: Gabby sent corrections to Joyce to check

Joyce asked me to phone her – the corrections still aren’t correct. Went over to see her and go through what had to be done. It appeared that the items Joyce had highlighted were not the actual changes that needed to be done on many of them. She showed me the changes that still had to be made – I took note on the spreadsheets and followed up regurgitating in an email to ensure I had the changes correct

Sue Woodger 10-Sep-2012
20 Aug 12

Joyce emailed to say that she was concerned about the scripts being completed in time for year end as the latest she can do a journal is 5 pm Wednesday 23rd. – She has not mentioned this date before. Spoke to Gabby – he cannot understand why the records are still wrong. After some investigation it appears that the changes that Joyce has highlighted should actually be made to another column in the spreadsheet – not the highlighted one. Also there have never been any spreadsheets for some of the outstanding items.

Sue Woodger 22-Aug-2012
17 Aug 12

Clive informed Joyce that her final set of corrections are in test ready for her to test

Joyce sent back with items still outstanding. Gabby and Clive cannot understand why this is happening as they are making the changes that Joyce has highlighted

Sue Woodger 22-Aug-2012
15 Aug 12

Clive corrected and/or completed the earlier set of corrections I was working on - Batch6 and implemented scripts for Joyce's final set of changes - Batch7_final which are now to go to test

Sue Woodger 22-Aug-2012
14 Aug 12

Joyce came over to speak to Gabby and Clive about the outstanding issues

Sue Woodger 22-Aug-2012
13 Aug 12

I asked Joyce how she was getting on with testing clives changes from Friday – as only have Paul for short time this week to put into test & live

15.11 Joyce sent back acterr reports run this afternoon with accounts that do not appear to have been corrected


Sue Woodger 22-Aug-2012

Project Info

Control Accounts Balancing
Finance (FIN)
Project Manager
Sue Woodger
Project Sponsor
Elizabeth Welch
Current Stage
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date
Programme Priority
Overall Priority