This project will confirm the Terms of Reference and the Business Requirements for three separate project proposals:
AP12-003 (FIN) - PAYE AP23-005 (HRS) - HR Tax Year End 12/13 AP23-007 (HRS) - Real Time Tax Year End / Real Time Information
A follow-on 2012-13 project, under the HR-Payroll programme, will then take the agreed requirements forward to the technical stages and deployment.
Currently, the University sends an annual Tax Year End return to HMRC each April, for the Tax Year just ended. From Tax Year 2013-14, employers are required to provide this information in real time, in conjunction with their regular employee pay runs. The follow-on project will therefore deliver:
1. The annual Tax Year End return to HMRC for 2012-13, in April 2013
2. The changes required to ensure that the new real-time returns to HMRC can start, also in April 2013
For project documentation up to 6th August 2012, please see
Current project status
Report Date | RAG | Budget | Effort Completed | Effort to complete |
August 2012 | BLUE | 18.0 days | 11.2 days | 0.0 |