Progress Meeting - Phase 3 Build - 01-Nov-2013

A.  Phase 3 Requirement Clarification

A.1.  (4.1.8) UI improvements / priority = 1

         3 days of development effort is available to spend on this requirement. 

We need to confirm what changes are needed, and their relative priorities.

A.1.1.  Keep the sections from re-closing

A.1.2.  Change the front page

Option 1:  Take away the postits from the right, and move the links (Admin Access; Find your Admin) up to replace them.

Option 2:  Remove the front page altogether, and put the links on both the MyEd channel and the "not authorised" message.

Are any other visual changes required?  If so, then please prioritise.  Development will then continue in priority order until the 3 day limit is reached.

         Garry to review with Liz and confirm requirements asap. 

         No development work can progress on this item until requirements have been confirmed.


A.2.   (4.1.6) bug fix for extra role (Shona Williamson?) / priority = 4

         2 days of development effort is available to spend on this requirement. 

A.2.1.  Add a validation routine to prevent any role from being loaded without any cost codes.

A.2.2.  Add functionality to allow a FIS Admin user to delete a role, as long as it's not the last role for the user.  (Currently FIS can make a role inactive.)


A.3.  (4.1.7) college level common codes / priority = 6, but Stephen has requested that it be moved up

         4 days of development effort is available to spend on this requirement. 

eAuths is handling university-wide common codes correctly. 

It should be handling the college level and school level common job codes in the same way.

e.g.  Julie has school-level devolved admin authority in eAuths for S28

(i)   In the job code tree, Julie can see the university-wide common job codes, but not the college-level common job codes.

        Julie should be able to see all the HSS level common job codes (folder = COMMHSS)

                                                and all the S28 level common job codes (folder = COMMS28)

(ii)  Julie can add a user, select S28 and "all job codes", and the system will pick up all the university-wide common job codes.   However, the system currently ignores the lower level job codes. 

       The system should also pick up all the HSS level common job codes (folder = COMMHSS)

                                                       and all the S28 level common job codes (folder = COMMS28)


A.4.  Report all duplicates (2 staff records with same UUN) / priority = 5

         1 day of development effort is available to spend on this requirement. 

Is this still required from the Development team, now that there's a BOBI universe?  Yes:

  • Report fields:  UUN, name, job title, creation date, creator. 
  • This is a one-off requirement.  Create a sql script; download the report to excel; send the spreadsheet to FIS. 
  • Add the sql script to the handover documentation, so that Apps Mgt can re-run it on request, if required.


B.  Phase 2 Progress

B.1.  BOBI universe is now available to FIS users in R4 Live.

Any feedback on this version of the universe will be addressed only in the Phase 2 version of the universe, which goes into development on 11th Nov.  It can then be tested during Phase 2 UAT, along with the other universe chages.


B.2.  ETA for Phase 2 release for UAT:

After reaching Test, this will still have to be Integration tested and Impact tested.  So if it reaches Test on Weds 6th as currently planned, then eta on release for UAT will be Fri 15th Nov.  The UAT sign-off review milestone will be correspondingly delayed, to 20th Dec.


B.3.  In light of the high number of post-deployment calls arising from Phase 1, it is critical that the UAT testing for Phase 2 be thorough and extensive.

A full regression test of the Phase 2 system must be completed, as the mach-ii upgrade was effectively a system re-write.

The UAT testing team should please review and expand the UAT test plan that ISA have drafted for this Phase, before 15th Nov if possible.


C.  Phase 1 Live issues

Both Finance and Applications Management are concerned at the unusually high number of UniDesk calls arising since the Live deployment of the Phase 1 (like-for-like) release.

Additional time was assigned to John A this week, to assess these calls:

  • I131008-0299      Bugfix for Carol Powers eIT problem

email to Michael Curtis, cc Garry & Joyce at noon on Wednesday. 

Re-tested and signed off by Gordon.

  • I131014-0951      Same issue as  I131008-0299 above
  • I131002-0325      Caused by user misunderstanding. 

Gordon to update Finance WIKI to to show that eStores personal details are updated from IDM (not eAuths)  - done

  • I131008-0543      eTime function is throwing an exception. 

Gordon to assess whether this is the same issue as FIN085-296.  If so, then update Jira and close UniDesk  - done

  • I131011-0230      Duplicate acct is causing problems. 

John has provided Apps Mgt with SQL script to remove it.  This will resolve the problem.


D.  Revised estimates

Rhian has still to discuss these with Liz.  However, initial indication is that Rhian will advise that the Programme can cope with the increase.


Project Info

eAuthorisations Migration
Finance (FIN)
Project Manager
Jill Nicoll
Project Sponsor
Elizabeth Welch
Current Stage
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date
Overall Priority

