This project will develop a replacement system for the current eExpenses system which is no longer supported by ABS. The project will be undertaken using the agile methodology. As well as replacing existing key functionality, the project will also deliver: - - Improved integration with key University systems such as Serengeti and eFinancials
- Reduction of manual paperwork in Accounts Payable via the introduction of electronic receipts
- Greater transparency of user set-up allowing improved handling of expense claims in the event of approver absense
- Ongoing provision of a supported application
- Reduced support calls to FIS via integration with EASE so that passwords don't need to be frequently re-set
- Reduced manual intervention for loading approved expense claims into eFInancials
- Improved user experience via electronic receipts and multi-device accessability
- Improved student experience via ease of user set-up which will encourage students to utilise the application