Priority and Funding
This project is priority 2, and is being core funded. The budget is fixed at 50 days.
Impact and Dependencies
The batches of enhancements will be specific to the FIS team. However, it is possible that, to achieve acceptance sign-off, a batch may also require some testing by the SAS team. If so, then this will be arranged by the Business Lead, in advance of the UAT stage.
There will be Acceptance and Deployment sign off reviews for each batch.
Approval for IS Apps to start work on a new batch will be contingent upon:
- full business requirements having been specified for each Jira in the batch
- resource availability having been confirmed by both IS Apps and Finance, to deliver the batch
- there being no outstanding work - i.e. updates in Dev and/or Test but not yet Live - for any of the systems / sub-systems targetted in the batch
It is strongly recommended that no development work should start on a new batch until the preceding batch has been signed off in UAT, and scheduled for Live deployment. (This approach was successfully used in the latter two eTime projects.) There may be a possibility, if an incomplete Jira is unrelated to the others in its original batch, for it to be carried forward into the next batch, with the rest of the original batch going Live without it. If this is not agreed to be practical, and if a back-log of undelivered enhancements arises, then a moratorium will be placed on starting new batches until the backlog has been cleared.