Report for August 2015
- Report Date
- August 2015
Achievements in last period
- Project website created
- Initial draft of Project Brief created
- Project initiation request submitted
- Although the project has not yet officially started, WPM has sought to progress work on the FPM upgrade.
- Orignally proposed as a minor upgrade, it was subsequently revealed that a Paperclip and eProcurement upgrade would also be required.
- WPM has been asked to provide release notes, to include a confirmed list of all associated required upgrades. This has not yet been provided.
- IS Applications recommend that this work be deferred, and be considered - and prioritised - along with the other enhancements proposed for the project.
Next Steps
- Set up new project
- Meet with Project Sponsors, Business Leads, and IS Applications team leaders, to review, finalise, and approve Project Brief
Note: Further milestones to be added, during review of Project Brief
Target date | Title | Complete |
30-Sep-2015 | Brief approved | No |
29-Jul-2016 | Closure | No |
- Approved budget
- 100.0 days
- Activity this month
- 4.0 days
- Activity this year
- 4.0 days
- Activity to date
- 4.0 days
- Estimate to complete current year
- 96.0 days
- Estimate to complete future years
- 0.0 days