The new eExpenses application was developed in-house under project FIN098 with basic functionality to replace the end-of-live ABS application.  The new application replaced essential functionality to allow expense claims to be submitted, approved and paid.  The new application was then further enhanced as part of a sponsor funded project (FIN102) to allow improved electronic receipt handling in eExpenses, to provide electronic receipt viewing in eFinancials for audit purposes, eAuthorisations enhancements for recording financial limits & setting-up proxy users, and to address user feedback from the initial pilot in IS.

This follow-on project aims to enhance the application further to fill the functionality gaps identified with the previous ABS expenses application.  Items under consideration will be: -

  • Enhancements to the interface to eFin to pass additional information required for research accounting
  • Facility for approvers to overide financial coding on claims to reduce mis-coding in eFinancials
  • Enforce financial limits so that approvers can only approve claims with their approved limit
  • Address priority feedback from the pilot to allow wider rollout of the system
  • Enhancements to eAuthorisations to allow School Admins to securely set-up up local users
  • Facility within eExpenses to view historical claims made using the previous ABS expenses application
  • Links to pre-existing WebFirst & BI reporting from within eExpenses to faciliate easier reporting
  • Other prioritised requirements within the available budget

Benefits of this project include: -

  • Increased information for research accounting to allow them to fulfil reporting requirements for research funders
  • Reduction in mis-coded expenditure
  • Increased financial control thorugh the implementation of approval limits
  • Increased devolvement of user administration which will in turn increase the speed and accuracy of user set-up
  • Improved functionality which will support the wider rollout of the application across the University
  • Simplified access to expense reporting for end users

Current project status

Report Date RAG Budget Effort Completed Effort to complete
June 2017 AMBER 215.0 days 228.0 days 6.0

Project Info

eExpenses enhancements
Finance (FIN)
Management Office
Project Manager
Emma Mcnab
Project Sponsor
Elizabeth Welch
Current Stage
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date
Overall Priority

Project Dashboard

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