Developer Testing


Apex Build:



Date Tested


Web Style Standards and Interface Design


As these APEX forms are to be considered as simply an extension of an existing application and are not public-facing, I am satisfied that the page design is something that should be considered adequate, pending any end-user feedback or suggestions.

Browser Standard Compliance


APEX emits very compliant code that is accessible on both Firefox and IE.I am confident that the pages will render and function correctly in any modern standards-compliant browser on any platform. As such, Browser Standards Compliance should be considered as being met at this stage.

Accessibility Requirements


There is not a specific request for Accessibility issues to be considered in this APEX forms implementation. However, it is possible to include these at a future date should they ever be requested.

JavaScript is a requirement for this APEX implementation and it will not function without it being enabled on the client browser.

I refer to paragraph 2, section 2.1 of the Accessibility Guidelines:

2. Scope 2.1 These standards relate to all public facing websites

As this is not in any way a public-facing interface, accessibility should be viewed as having been met.