Peer Testing - HR

SDS Process Name:  Add New Fields to HR Application

SDS Paragraph Ref


Notes / link to JIRA issue

ACTCHQUAL - Academic Teaching Qualification



List of Values for ACTCHQUAL



ACTLEAVE - Activity After Leaving



List of Values for ACTLEAVE



CLINARD - Clinical Excellence Award



List of Values for CLINARD



LOCLEAVE - Location After Leaving



List of Values for LOCLEAVE



CLINSUB - Clinical Sub-Speciality



List of Values for CLINSUB



RESCON - Reason for End of Contract



List of Values for RESCON



ACTSOC - Activity Standard Occupational Classification



List of Values for ACTSOC



 Disable the soc_code field




SDS Process Name:  Creation of XML file

SDS Paragraph Ref


Notes / link to JIRA issue

Creation of XML File



Create new stored procedure EPP4232


Note we had to change the procedure name. Now EPP4235.