Meeting - Build Stage - 27-Feb-2013
Present: Debbie Kilgallon, Alyson Shaw, Jill Nicoll
Apologies: Susan McLaren - but meeting note includes Susan's updates from follow-up phonecall
For HESA fields, please refer back to the numbering of new/changed fields in the 9th January meeting note.
Jira review:
Jira | Actioned On | Description | Update | Action required |
HRS071-1 | Alyson | 5. CURACCDIS | No progress since last meeting | Alyson to apply solution to System Design. |
HRS071-3 | Susan | 18. LEVELS | This will involve complex combinations of Segments and Grades. | Susan has set aside time this week, but it might be into next week before she can provide the complete logic. |
HRS071-5 | Alyson | Add new fields to eRecruitment | No progress since last meeting | Alyson to check that the 6 new ACTSOC fields are on views. |
HRS071-6 | Susan and Debbie | Detailed test scripts for UAT Plan | No progress since last meeting | Susan will use the HESA Validation to feed into the Test Plan. |
HRS071-7 | Jill | Replan project with early delivery of HR application changes | Due to repeated losses of Alyson, it will not now be possible to deliver the HR changes early. | Jira closed. Jill to Asta-request Pamela to do the eRecruitment extract changes. Requires prerequisites of Alyson to specify details, and Ana to complete her changes and check the code back into VSS. Request to start late next week. |
HRS071-8 | Susan | 22. ACTSOC | HESA said to use ACEMPFUN as substitute for SOC Code 2a in conditional logic. However, we previously used SOC Code 2a to derive ACEMPFUN. | Need to work out how to derive ACEMPFUN without SOC Code. |
HRS071-9 | Manya | 7. ECRSTAT | No progress since last meeting | Manya's target date for initial csv file is early March Jill to check with Manya re progress. Even a small sample of data in the csv would allow us to progress wit hthe Build. Jill to Asta-request Pamela to upload the csvs. |
HRS071-10 | Manya | 15. RESAST | No progress since last meeting | Manya's target date for initial csv file is early March Jill to check with Manya re progress. Even a small sample of data in the csv would allow us to progress wit hthe Build. Jill to Asta-request Pamela to upload the csvs. |
HRS071-12 | Alyson | Manager Self Service screen preferences | Oracle has fed back solution. | Alyson to apply Oracle solution in code. |
HRS071-13 | Susan | 5. CURACCDIS | Susan confirmed that only one CURACCDIS per person will be returned. | Susan is aiming to provide an initial draft mapping this week. |
HRS071-17 | Alyson | ACEMPFUN | New Jira | Design how - and where - to derive ACEMPFUN from ACTSOC. |
PPIPMI Universe changes have also been requested under Support. Changes cannot be applied concurrently by resources from two different teams. Susan reported that the Support requests are needed in Live in the next couple of weeks. Project changes cannot deploy to Live until late May. Susan to try to expedite Support calls. Jill to delay Asta request for project universe changes, to 3 weeks from today, to allow time for Support calls to be completed.
Alyson has been lost to HRS072 for more days than had previously been expected. Project issue 6 raised to reflect this.