Closure Comments

Hi Anne

I have no objection to the project being closed.

 Some comments on the closure report:

  •  "Successful Applicant Interface cannot be testing by IS Applications and requires HR input The Successful applicant interface is the interface that transfers records for applicants that are appointed to the post to Oracle HR & Payroll to either create or update their staff record. An understanding of the applicant data is required or the transfer will fail which is why HR input is required but this poses a problem for the developer as the interface cannot be tested during the build."
  • The issue is not so much that you need an understanding of the applicant data (as you need this to do the work in the first place!) but that you have to know how to set up vacancies and applicants in the eRecruitment application itself. This is far from intuitive and if you don't get it just right then when you try to run the load it will fail for some erroneous reason that is nothing to do with the thing we are trying to test.  At one stage we also had issue because dev eRecruitment system wasn't working properly either - not sure if that is still the case!  On dev I managed to cobble together a test case by manipulating the staging tables but this is far from ideal as again you end up introducing errors that are nothing to do with the matter being worked on .
  • "API process showed a change to terminated records when no actual change was made, this resulted on notifications and issues to payroll


See JIRA for info"

This isn't really a lesson. It's an observation!  Reading between the lines since I wasn't involved at that stage, it sounds to me as if the API script didn't exclude terminated assignments and so updated them as well.  So I guess the lesson to learn would be to remember to  specify which assignments we want and to explicitly exclude terminated ones if necessary.  We probably updated all current employees and picked up both assignments where there were multiple ones, even where one of the assignments had been terminated.   

Can I add another lesson learned to say that we need to remember to test all scenarios when we work on the eRecruitment interface i.e. new starts, rehires, transfers and multiple assignments. This would have spotted the multiple assignments issue that came up post go live.

Alyson 30-Sept-14

Draft Closure comments from Nikki (Variance plan and estimation have been amended by Anne since provided)

Plan variance; 

  • The HRS082 HR HESA Staff Return 2013/14 project had a delaying impact on the Capture Staff Levels in Oracle HR & Payroll HRS080 project. The Staff Return was a higher priority and this delayed progress on capturing staff levels which resulted in the delayed completion of this project until HESA became more stable.
  • See the PICCL Log for more information, if required, in Items 2 and 4

Estimation variance

  • Issues with the successful applicant interface with build taking longer than anticipated - see learning point (2) below that developer had no way to test the interface without input from HR
  • See the PICCL Log for more information, if required, in Item 9
  • Additional effort required when running API in Oracle - see key learning point (1) that this was an issue with the language setting on SQL developer for the DBA running the API
Key Learning Points: 

Key Learning points raised earlier in the project; 

  1. NLS_LANGUAGE setting on SQL Developer session running any APIs should be set to American or process will fail

This is a known issue with the Oracle eBusiness suit but as the DBA had not previously worked with this system this was not immediately spotted. This should also have been noted in the Implementation plan or included in the update scripts to temporarily set the session language as required. 

  1. Successful Applicant Interface cannot be testing by IS Applications and requires HR input

The Successful applicant interface is the interface that transfers records for applicants that are appointed to the post to Oracle HR & Payroll to either create or update their staff record. An understanding of the applicant data is required or the transfer will fail which is why HR input is required but this poses a problem for the developer as the interface cannot be tested during the build.

  1. API process showed a change to terminated records when no actual change was made, this resulted on notifications and issues to payroll See JIRA for info

Project Info

Capture Staff Levels in Oracle HR & Payroll
Human Resources (HRS)
Project Manager
Anne Mathison
Project Sponsor
Susan McLaren
Current Stage
Start Date
Planning Date
Delivery Date
Close Date
Programme Priority
Overall Priority